Friday Night Link Round-Up

I’m not feeling well and made some really atrocious spelling/grammatical errors today not the least of which was my scintillating crime report on the arrest of “cooper”  thieves in Greenville which I’m told set off quite a panic amongst historical re-enacting barrel making community. Of course I meant copper thieves, but I was a little run down today so I decided to give up and I’ll just give you a few links for the evening if you’re like me and plan on being indoors during this bout of global warming:

Michael Scheuer has long promoted anti-Semitism disguised as foreign policy realism. His true colors are shown in this clip of his eyebrow raising C-SPAN interview where a caller says he’s tired of “all these Jews” and their power to make us fight “our Muslim friends” for Israel. Without batting an eye Scheuer agrees with the man and expounds on his point. Can we stop taking him seriously now?

After 13+ years of leftist anti-farming policy in England, including the release of a report a few years ago claiming farming was a “high risk” activity that rich countries shouldn’t be involved in, Ministers in Britain are waking up to the fact that England can’t feed itself. Of course they have no real solution except to encourage farming in a market that makes farming unprofitable.

Brad Thor, author of The Apostle, has exposed a top Af/Pak Jihadist commander’s rape porn ring. That’s right the man who rivals Mullah Omar in power over the Taliban, one Siraj Haqqani, has been caught red-handed by author Brad Thor producing rape videos for money. When Haqqani thought he was going to be exposed he had the perpetrators he hired and the victims murdered. Thor got a Imam to make a video displaying the evidence (NSFW and hard to watch, be warned) and calling for Haqqani to be brought to justice. Read the report but I’ll warn you a second time, the evidence is graphic and disturbing.

Mansor Asad, the man who was taken off a Miami flight for screaming about killing Jews, is a rich real estate mogul associated with a Salafi mosque. Atlas has a report and video of his court appearance.

A shooting spree was thwarted by an armed citizen. That’s what the 2nd Amendment is all about.

A “Mayan elder” is sick of being asked about the end of the world in 2012. The world is not going to end on 2012.

Balloon Boy’s dad says everyone is a liar but him. No really.

Dr. Keith Ablow, a former television host and Fox News contributor, was attacked by a prison inmate he was doing a psychological evaluation on. The attacker, Keith Luke, is a neo-Nazi who went on a rape and murder spree of non-Whites and has a swastika carved in his forehead. There’s no word yet on what his DailyKos handle is.

Ronnie James Dio is fighting cancer. Keep him in your prayers.

One thought on “Friday Night Link Round-Up

  1. If Scheuer believes Israel “controls” U.S. foreign policy, why did he allow bin Laden to go when he was on the job then?

    He also is a supporter of Ron Paul too, don’t forget that either and has a bunch of columns on

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