Friday Afternoon Link Round Up

I’m still pulling together sources for a follow up post on the gang fight/riot in Nyack but it looks like all hell’s broken loose today:

SEIU goons attacked a dinner party full of nurses injuring several. One was a retired woman who was thrown to the ground by these union thugs and had her head split open. Gateway Pundit says it’s just more hope and change from Obama supporters. He has video as well.

There was a 5.2 magnitude earthquake in the heartland. It was followed by a 4.6 magnitude aftershock. U.S.G.S. has details.

The New York Times continues to nose dive posting record losses. Also circling the drain-Citigroup. They’ll be cutting 9000 jobs after posting a 5.1 billion dollar first quarter loss.

An Oklahoma sheriff used his position to force women to be his sex slaves. He’s been sheriff since 1994 and no one knows how many victims he might have had.

The U.N. can’t keep food supplied to refugees in Darfur because of “hijackings (read incompetence), look for them to beg a deployment out of America in the next couple of months.

Las Vegas Ricin maker Roger Bergendorff has been arrested and charged after recovering from accidentally exposing himself to the deadly toxin. Yeah, he was planning on using it to poison “unspecified” enemies. But he’s not a terrorist according to authorities.

Also on the nothing to see here front,a car was found in New Mexico with an I.E.D. inside it and about a grand in Iraqi dinars. Don’t worry, the cops say it has nothing to do with terrorism. Really.