Virtual Transgression: The Brandy Priestess Interview

I once harbored a dream of being a poet and was told in no uncertain terms that though I was quite talented that I was a “19th Century Man,” and unlikely to ever be published unless I eschewed the Romanticism I so enjoy and moved from fixed forms and decadent themes to the more “transgressive” and modern. The end of my career as a poet coincided with my entrance into Wesleyan and a class I took where we studied “sudden fiction” with a professor who told me frankly that no poem that rhymed was any good, the masters be damned.

Her opinions was formed in the crucible of post modernism, and are the product of the deconstructionist tendencies of academia though the “artistic” community, and the left in general, embrace the counter enlightenment ideals of the deconstructionists. To this Wesleyan professor, and unfortunately much of the artistic and cultural establishment, Transgressivism is the hight of expression artistic or otherwise.

Brandy Priestess, who caused quite a stir last week when she emailed one of the most hateful screeds I’d ever seen to Michelle Malkin, is another product of the post modern relativism that permeates our society.

A self described film maker who is deeply obsessed with race relations in America, Priestess insists that her email was an experiment designed to show that our media is obsessed with negative portrayals of race. She further supposes that Malkin publishing the email without first checking in with her to see if it was “really how she feels” is proof that Malkin is a racist.

The logic is tortured to be sure, but common enough. That it smacks of the Bernie Ward defense only proves how insidious post modernism is in our culture and how the celebration of Transgression creates a poisonous climate of excused degeneracy, a meaningless world where racism, anger and hatred can be used to “expose” hypocrisy and where generation after generation of children are raised without boundaries, morals or an appreciation of traditional artistic concepts like Beauty.

Brandy Priestess is the new Nick Zedd, although Zedd fans will likely be disappointed by Priestess’ documentary given his usual excess. I’ll reserve my criticism of her film until I see it, but I need not see it to observe that like Zedd and a host of lazy and over hyped “artists” Priestess seems more interested in the promotion of her art than the art itself. As an artist her antics will overshadow both her message and her art.

This is perhaps how she wants it to be. Our culture celebrates the self important, the pseudo intellectual and above all the unmerited contravention of personal boundaries. People my age who are shallow enough to still care whether or not we’re “cool” pretentiously celebrate the Nick Zedds of the world, the “artists” who offer us only their hatred of society and themselves.

Though my correspondence with Brandy Priestess was quite cordial I am unchanged in my original opinion of her letter, in fact given her explanation of why she sent it I feel more offended. She seemed unaware of how racist, sanctimonious and hypocritical her explanation was and provided little evidence for Michelle Malkin’s supposed prejudice but showed her own in her outrageous claims. This lack of self-awareness is at the heart of the embrace of Transgressivism.

It should also be kept in mind that, at least according to another email exchange she had, her “Bi-racial” family members are Canadian and Dutch, in other words Bi-racial in only the most technical sense.

I put forward this interview because I think readers should judge for themselves the merits of the argument Brandy Priestess makes so I present her words unabridged:

After writing the email you’ve said that it was an “experiment”. Can you explain exactly what the experiment was trying to prove? a) I’ve seen (I think on no man’s blog) you say this was the one way to get Michelle Malkin to “publish you” but Malkin’s blog has a comment section, what’s the significance of having her publish an email? b) Does her personal blog count as part of the media?

I wanted to prove that anyone could write a lie; fake, racist e-mail filled with trashy gutter language and have that e-mail published in the media as the truth and Malkin proved my point. Malkin used the e-mail to tell the public the lie that I am a supporter of Obama and she placed the racist e-mail next to Mrs. Obama’s photo on her site to smear Mrs. Obama. Why would anyone read or believe anything Malkin writes on her blog at this point? I don’t. Makin’s articles are published in several well known papers, for a lot of people that makes her a star. My e-mail is now” the star” of a star writer’s blog, people that are giving me funding and donations for my film view it that way. Celebrity, no matter how minor has currency value with a lot of film investors. Any filmmaker that need outside funding need this type any type of attention to get $$$$. Sad, but true. I have people calling me with: ” BP! I saw your e-mail on Malkin’s blog; you’re in the big times now! Oh! I know your film is going to hit! Can I invest?” Why? They see Malkin in the NY Post. So yes for many people, her blog is the media and the “big time”.

I view Malkin’s blog and her actions as garbage. End of story.

My experience with racism, as a Bi-racial man has been quite the opposite of what you described in our correspondence, I found that White racism and societies is more subtle and in the vain of having lower expectations it was more often than not Black Nationalists/Muslim/Radical sub-cultures who targeted me for overt racism. What’s your feeling on that?

Depends on your life experience, part of the country you were born etc… From my studies, interviews and my life experiences with the bi-racial members of my family, white people have more of a problem with bi-racial children and interracial marriages. Whites biggest worry is “what will the kids look like”? Because of Alicia Keys, Halle Berry, Obama etc…And fast changing beauty standards whites now have an answer to that question. In one of my interviews with a white woman, she told me that she felt having babies with black men improved white beauty. I asked her how so? She answered: ” well look at a photo of Halle Berry, now look at a photo of her mother, which one would you prefer to look like? She went on that Halle got her beautiful hair, full lips and that great behind from her father. I asked her: What do you think she got from her mother? Her answer: Her class and intelligence. From my interviews with several five percenters, Nationalist etc… I’ve heard ” The Black man should not sleep with the slave master’s children and produce more devils(bi-racial children), It’s a sin and an insult to our slave African ancestors.” I heard that one a lot and so much more. My personal feelings? I think a lot of people are sick and need help. I feel everyone should just chill and start dealing with people for how they think, what’s in their heart and their intentions. Love is big and in today’s hard and scary world a person should accept love when it comes, no matter the color shade. I am free Rob and I don’t want anyone to have the power to tell me what color person to love, date or marry. This should be my RIGHT and yours. I am free Rob, and I’m determined to stay and die FREE.

The letter contained anti-Asian, anti-Assimilation and anti-White sentiments are you saying that none of these reflect your feelings? a) Do you believe that Asians are looked down on by White Americans? b) Putting aside your affection for your family members, in general is inter racial dating “selling out”?

Nothing in the e-mail to Malkin reflects my feelings about Asians. I have no negative experience with Asians. I think Asians are creative, resourceful, intelligent, dynamic, elegant, beautiful hardworking people that place a high value on good manners and education. I think Asians have issues like everyone else, but I’ve never heard any Asian people (outside a media writer for a Ca. newspaper) call a Black person a nigger. But I’ve heard MANY white people call Black people and other races a lot of negative names, including the big N word. I” KNOW” that Asians are looked down upon by white Americans.

I found a lot of angry white women in my interviews that view Asian women as a major threat. You’ll meet some of these white women in my film. Selling out to whom and what? You should be free to love and marry the person you want to be with. Anything else is stupid and evil.

I think Race is a government program and now it’s being discarded because it no longer fits the game plan of the ruling elite. Have you seen Angie Harmon? Why would anyone be confused as to why a Black, Latino, Asian etc… man would want to love, date, have sex with or marry Angie Harmon? And what nut would think the bi-racial baby from this union would be anything other than beautiful? A sane person would just be happy the family is just happy and alive! Look at poor Heath Ledger’s family. Do you see how sick and silly this race program is? Who wouldn’t want Jet Li or gong Li for a mate? Why hasn’t the beautiful Gong Li grace the cover of American vogue yet? Racism, that’s why. And who owns vogue? What is the owner skin color? Malkin is not about to attack the white owner, Si Newhouse of Vogue magazine for its racism against Asian women. Instead she goes after Mrs. Obama.

To me, the letter felt very familiar, I’ve had rants like that hurled at me before. This was my response in the comments:

As a Bi-racial man with a “White” name, I’ve heard this all my life. Black communities have been infested with this sort of hateful rhetoric since I was born in the early 70s. I’ve had guns pulled on me, been shot at, assaulted and finally had moved out of my birthplace because I wasn’t safe there. “Brandy Priestess” is a symptom of a leftist agenda where White liberals in league with Black race baiters have indoctrinated entire generations into accepting their status as Black first American second wards of a political establishment.

Success, education and morality are all evidence of trying to act “White” to these people. Ironically this attitude only benefits the racist establishment in the Democratic Party who need Blacks to be eternally impoverished slaves to their welfare state.

Where am I going wrong here?

The term acting white is absurd! Africa was first! And speaking, living and acting well, all the things associated with white people happened in Africa first. Only ignorant Blacks, Whites etc, support this ignorant term. The white community worldwide has produced many fine white citizens that any race or culture should be proud to love, date or marry. Shouldn’t this be common sense, but sadly it’s not. I have no idea what a leftist or liberal is, and I view those term as con games, scam words that are used to teach people hate and ignorance.

I have gotten hate mail and the occasional death threat, I sometimes have published the material if emailed me partly to show the audience how rabid certain people can be but also because if I was harmed it’s nice to have a public paper trail. That being said, how does Malkin sharing this email which you admit is designed to look like a racist screed proof of her doing something wrong? a) Is it your position that she should have ignored it? If so why?

Malkin should have e-mailed me first. No threats were made to her; she simply was “cursed out” in a most extreme way. The same time and energy she used in posting the fake e-mail, she could have used the same energy to “investigate the hate, before she participate”. Instead of asking me the silly question of “Do you feel better now”? She could have asked me IS THIS REAL? ARE THESE YOUR TRUE FEELINGS? ARE YOU A SUPPORTER OF OBAMA? Because her articles are in the major media, I would have been more than happy to send her a press package on my work and do an interview with her. Malkin should be dedicated to presenting the truth, not lies to her readers and showing them more respect.

Do you consider what you did ethical? a) If a White person wrote a similar letter to one of your Bi-racial relatives, then said “It wasn’t my real feelings, I did it to prove a point” would you find it acceptable? b) Do you believe Michelle Malkin is a deserving of respect?

I consider what I did as” WAR AGAINST A NEGATIVE AND EVIL SCRIBE.” Malkin misuses her power and she’s responsible for a lot of the negativity that Blacks, people of color,
Bi-racial etc. face everyday. Think about this: suppose I’m really a 9-year-old child that sent that e-mail to Malkin, now what? And what about all the adults that sent me hate mail to show their anger that I sent fake mail to Malkin. Yes, I would find it acceptable if a White person did the same thing I did and I would applaud that white person’s efforts for trying to use “by any means
necessary to make a change” out of this race madness. I don’t react before I investigate, I learned that one can lose their life that way.” I don’t give anyone power over me with words and if you put your hands on me I will hurt or kill you, and sit in jail for doing so. I respect the police, law etc, but I’m not going to allow anyone to hurt me or anybody in my family because you might have a problem with their color, bi-racial etc…I have no respect for Malkin, she’s an easy target and I find her silly and racist. She’s ignorant. For me she doesn’t count and she shouldn’t for anyone else with a brain

I often leave comment up on my site where people call me racist names to prove to the readers that “liberals” are just as prone to racism as anyone else, unless I’m misunderstanding your thesis you would say I’m wrong for doing this?

You are wrong to post and label anyone or anything on your site as TRUTH without investigating it first. You should at least show where you made the effort to reach out to the blogger, the same way you did with me. Any e-mail that reads “Threat”, you should turn them
over to police and yes published them for your protection. But there were no threats in my e-mail to Malkin she had every opportunity to present the Truth on her site and she didn’t. What would Malkin say or do, if she knew Clinton or Obama had posted a fake e-mail on their site and caused hundreds of people to respond emotionally to that post without investigating it first? Answer: she would tear them up in the NY Post with blaring headlines that would read: “CLINTON CAMP PUBLISHES LIE IN FAKE E-MAIL” and you know she would. So why the double standard?

Will you understand why some of my readers will be skeptical of your explanation? Malkin’s site publishes thousands of comments that aren’t negative or racist, but you seem to be saying that you have “proved” that she gives precedence to bigotry.

I’m fine with whatever your readers want to think; it’s their right. I don’t live my life based on what people I don’t know think about me or my work as a filmmaker. I have another film that was covered by the major media and I think it would be really dumb to insult Asians, Whites, Latino, Blacks and all of the other races of people that have helped me in my life and work with a racist ignorant mind against them, I’m not interested in getting cancer, and being racist opens the door for sickness like cancer to enter the body. I am sure that before I even put that racist e-mail in my film I will have to get copyright clearance, because the e-mail is not all my writing. It is not easy to write a racist e-mail about Asian as it is with Blacks, Latino etc… Because there are very few negative stereotypes available on Asians other than the hard working, smart etc… stereotypes.

I got the pedophile idea from Woody Allen’s story and the TV show Dateline. I also thank the gay Asian children on Christopher Street for their comments, snaps, reads and interviews about race and what they endure as being young, gay and Asian. A few of the “racial zingers” like “2 wongs don’t make a white ” came from ‘the Chris street”. I have proven that Malkin will lie, and that she does indeed give precedence to bigotry. Her fans should have a problem with this.

When will your film be finished and what are your plans for it?

I hope to present my film SUMMER 2008 I will enter the film into several film festivals world wide and I plan to screen the film at Indie film centers world wide. Because of Malkin posting the e-mail on her site, I’ve been swamped with interview requests, funding, contacts from TV and film agents, several major directors, etc… It’s amazing, because just a week ago I had very little to no funding, and no one knew my name. What a difference a negative e-mail to a silly writer made. There are several actors in my film that I hope this film will open doors for and it feels good to be able to pay the film crew.