Thomas Cosby Runs Over Young Woman Because She’s Black


According to reports the above degenerate, 56-year-old Thomas Cosby, ran down Nekedia Cato as she rode her bike in an attempt to kill her because his long time girlfriend just dumped him for a Black man. That was his cue to act the way all baby boomers act, like a hateful petulant child:

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — A woman riding her bike in Daytona Beach Monday night was hit by car driven by a man targeting African Americans, police said.

Police believe Nekedia Cato, a 25-year-old African American woman, was hit by Thomas Cosby, of Port Orange.

Police said Cosby, 56, slammed into Cato, took out a nearby porch, hit a tree and then rolled three times.

“He just hit me because I was black,” Cato said.

Cato was riding her bike home from the store on South Atlantic Avenue.

“I actually saw him coming toward me. I tried to move my bike as fast as I [could], but it wasn’t quick enough. He came straight for me,” Cato said.

Police reported that after Cosby crashed, he got out of his car, screaming racist remarks. Cosby repeatedly used the N-word and shouted he wanted to kill black people, authorities said.

“He was screaming out he had to kill all black people because one slept with his wife,” Cato said.

Disgusting. Nekedia is in the hospital and is in our thoughts. Let’s hope Cosby stays in jail a good long time.

Breitbart has a video report:


11 thoughts on “Thomas Cosby Runs Over Young Woman Because She’s Black

  1. That was his cue to act the way all baby boomers act, like a hateful petulant child

    I see.. I guess your propensity to paint all pot smokers as vile molesting bums who live off others was just a reflection of a larger habit you have of speaking in broad generalities about large groups of people about which you know almost nothing.

    Now all baby boomers act like “hateful petulant [children]”? Good Lord, man! How about a bit more intellectual rigor?

    Rob, can we not hold people accountable for their vile acts without trying to paint large swaths of our society as hateful people who are somehow responsible for the acts of a few specific individuals? All pot smokers are not lazy child molesters and all baby boomers are not spoiled children. It truly shows a lack of depth in your arguments and it does your overall position no good.

    I completely agree with your desire to call this scum bag out for the vile bastard that he is, but why must you accuse a whole generation? It just weakens your position, in my opinion. And that is a shame because I think your overall goal is right on target. Don’t cheapen it by painting with such a broad brush, ok?

  2. Rob – looks like you have your very own Andy Levy. I didn’t know you were auditioning for an ombudsman. Can I apply? 😉

  3. What are you a Buddhist?

    I dislike boomers, who are literally the worst generation eveh! That’s something a righty like me and lefties like these guys can both agree on.

    Perhaps I’m being glib but the Boomers selfish, sanctimonious counter culture has lead directly to most of the problems Americans face today. It was boomers and the neo-jainist environmental movement that kept American from drilling oil in our territory, it was boomers and their “New Left” movements that created radical left groups here that send money to terror groups and Communist dictators. It is the irresponsible “free love” movement that led to the massive HIV rates and according to European papers their boomers are largely the people driving the sex tourism industry abroad, and industry full of slaves and children.

    The betrayal of African Americans by those social programs designed by boomers has led to Black neighborhoods being the poorest and most dangerous in America, and now that their is a racist pogrom against Blacks by Latinos, boomers have betrayed Blacks again by sweeping the truth under the rug and refusing to speak out.

    Hypocritical parasites who demand that we pay for the medical care they need after living lifetimes of endless debauchery and drug use, they think nothing of supporting bans on trans fats or smoking in bars. We’ve basically lost every war since they’ve came of age not because of our military but because we have an entire generation here who propagandize for any enemy and spend their days indoctrinating young people into Howard Zinn like anti-American hate cults.

    Precious few are the Boomers worth a damn, and I frankly can count the ones I met personally on my two hands. Perhaps it’s because I lived in NYC and NJ, but I think it’s also because they lived a life so easy and comfortable that they had no respect for the country that provided for their every need, and they’ve instilled that misanthropic lack of patriotism into the children they turn loose on the rest of us.

    William Ayers, The Manson Family, Janet “What’s wrong with setting weirdoes on fire” Reno and Thomas Cosby are, I say, indicative of the rampant immaturity of the baby boomer generation.

    And the only person who could possibly disagree with that is you … and Hitler!

  4. While I have no admiration for the Baby Boomers, this is obviously much more an issue of White Trash Gone Wild. Hard to believe a looker like Tom would lose his woman to a Brother, but I think I hear him calling out from behind Tom’s woman…”Bout time they put a cracker in jail, stead o’ me!”……In Tom’s defense though, he WAS looking for a black guy. It’s tough to tell a black woman is female when they do the near-shaved head thing. I bet he wouldn’t have made that mistake if her hair was flowing like Beyonce! So, truly, doesn’t the fault here really lie with Nekedia’s hairdresser? She should be arrested as an Accessory to Commit Hit-and-Run-of-a-black-woman-confused-with-a-black-man-because-of-her-short hair. A common crime, but one that must be dealt with harshly, nonetheless.

  5. It always amazes me that so called educated people can be so clueless. Of course the nutcase is a racist. To say that there is not as much racism in America as there was in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s etc., is preprosterous and delusional. Some are just professionals when it comes to hiding it.

    I pray that the young lady can have a happy and productive life in spite of what has happened.

    ‘Keep the Faith’. In due season, we shall reap if we faint not. Hold your head up; you are loved.

  6. “Boomers” may have a lot to answer for, but racism isn’t one of the things we can pin on them. It predated them, by a significant margin, and it’s still around as their generation fades into the sunset.

    Say what you want about “the sixties” — it was an era when a LOT of people made strong advances AGAINST racism and other kinds of prejudice. I don’t think we can blame the “selfish, sanctimonious counterculture” for this one.

    If anything, racist ignorance like this might be seen as a reactionary backlash AGAINST some of the social progress that a lot of idealistic people tried to put into motion during those earlier times.

  7. What data do we have to substantiate that claim? Do you honestly believe that “boomers” are more racist than the people of previous generations? Everything we know about American history, I think, contradicts that.

    As for whether they’re more racist than those who have come since . . . I think that’s a hard one to call. First of all, remember: not everyone who came of age in the ’60s and ’70s was a member of the “counterculture” (or whatever y’wanna call it). The conservative Republicans and Christian Conservatives who have become so dominant in our national political life are also members of the “Boomer” generation.

    But more to the point — I don’t think we can say for sure that younger folks, as a group, harbor fewer (or more) racist attitudes than their elders. It may be less “cool” to express racist views in public (although that’s debatable), but — well, let’s say that I hang out in a lot of bars and other public places where white folks of various ages congregate, and I hear much racist talk, even if it’s not always couched in the “N”-word.

  8. I’ve met boomers and all were racists. Including my mother, who is Black, and convinced that Haitians are not “real” Black people. I’m making a personal observation and would note that most boomers did not march for equality between the races. They marched in support of nationalist movements like the Black Panthers or Brown berets or Aim. These are racist organizations they still support so let’s not bullshit.

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