The toxic brew of race and class warfare that the left and their handmaidens in the liberal media have been pushing for years, and more recently using as a political weapon to attack the grassroots anti-big government protest, has consequences. Growing up in the 70s, the only Bi-racial child in an all Black neighborhood, I received my share of Jesse Jackson inspired hatred including several assaults and attempts on my life. Hostility toward me coincided with White liberals ginning up stories of racism in the media, creating racial tensions that they never had to deal with, but which nearly killed me.
Now with this new push by the White run media to paint Barack Obama as the victim of White hostility, is it any surprise that young urban Blacks, their minds poisoned by the White run teacher’s unions, are committing hate crimes at an alarming rate? Not to me. But David Shuster, Keith Olbermann and lefty bloggers will feign ignorance of the bloody consequences of their anti-American rhetoric.
A young White man who is dating a Black girl was brutally assaulted by a gang of 10 to 15 Black thugs so badly his jaw was broken and he needed stitches for a three inch gash in his head. It is known to be a hate crime but it is unlikely to be treated as such:
Milligan’s father believes several African-Americans beat his son, who is white, because he is dating an African-American woman. He wants police to treat the beating as a hate crime. He also has criticized what he calls a deafening silence from the community, police and the national media.
“If this was a black guy who was beaten by a group of white guys for dating a white girl, people would be up in arms,” he said. “There’s a double standard.”
Buffalo police believe a group of about 10 to 15 African-American men attacked Milligan late at night, police spokesman Mike DeGeorge said. Police have made no arrests and are still investigating the motive, he said.
Milligan Sr. says he believes the attackers are the same “neighborhood guys” who threatened his son and his African-American girlfriend because of their interracial relationship.
The younger Milligan and his girlfriend, Nicola Fletcher, who is also 18, had recently complained of an increase in insults and threats in east Buffalo, where Fletcher lives and where Milligan was staying with his grandmother, Fletcher said.
“Every time they walk the streets, people stop him and call him ‘cracker’ and ask her why she’s not with a black guy,” Milligan Sr. said.
Two days before the attack, Fletcher said she was shot with paintball pellets by the same group of neighborhood aggressors.
“I’m afraid to walk the streets,” she said. “Those guys are still out there.”
I’m sure Marc Lamont Hill can explain this away as the fault of the White victim. This story hit me hard personally because I myself experienced the same sort of abuse and harassment from Blacks for being Bi-racial. Like the thugs in the story above, my assailants were the product not of Black culture but of a liberal run educational system and media culture that portrayed Blacks as the eternally aggrieved who needed to “get back at” their oppressors. Teachers in the ghetto where I grew up were predominantly White, yet Black people my age had their minds filled with anti-White, anti-American and pro-criminality propaganda.
And it’s clearly still going on. Here’s a story of a White kid who did nothing but try to sit on a school bus, when he was brutally assaulted. The majority Black students cheered as two Black kids pummeled the boy for no reason, the few non-Blacks on the bus were too afraid to stop the racist attack, and the bus driver did nothing. Only the intervention of Black students ended the two assaults the boy suffered on the bus ride:
The 17-year-old victim was white and the teen assailants were black. Police released a video of the beating, which shows the victim being punched repeatedly while other students on the bus gather to watch, some cheering. It doesn’t appear that the victim did anything to provoke an attack and tried only to defend himself. Police said it all unfolded in a five-minute span.
The victim was trying to find a seat and was told by two students he could not sit next to them, police said. When he did sit down, one teen tried to push him out of his seat then began grabbing the victim’s neck and punching him in the face.
The victim eventually returned to his seat, but another student began taunting him a few minutes later. The victim was then struck in the face.
It was unclear what, if anything, the bus driver did to stop the attack. Students intervened to help the victim both times.
“In my estimation, it’s racially motivated,” said Capt. Don Sax of the Belleville Police Department. He said one reason he had formed this opinion was that many of the students, most of whom were black, yelled their support for the beating.
There’s video of the incident at the link if you can stomach watching some kid being abused.
But anti-White hate crimes, barely reported by the main stream media and encouraged by White liberals who see Blacks as their bludgeon with which to tear down traditional America, are not new. Groups embraced by the progressive establishment, such as The Nation of Islam, have long histories of racially motivated violence unmatched in it’s cruelty and barbarity. The Nation of Islam is belived to have been involved in the Zebra murders in San Francisco. It should be noted that the victims where all White except one Arab Muslim (although Arabs are in fact Caucasian) which is significant because Muslims consider the NOI to be a non-Muslim heresy. The “Death Angel” killers were Nation members who believed they would be rewarded for every White person they killed, and they went on to kill 14 and attempt to kill several others through shootings, stabbings and attempted decapitation.
Crime Library has a good write up of the brutal Zebra killings, which many of you will never have heard of. With the support the Nation gave to Obama, and progressivism in general, you’d think this story would appear once and a while. The Nation of Islam’s theology is based largely on grievance and the essential evil of White American society. Sound familiar? Progressives have long courted this hate cult and continue to do so, and in return Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan declared Barack Obama the Messiah.
The Nation of Islam is also responsible for the creation of the far more evil Yahweh ben Yahweh cult of Black Israelites. The leader was an embezzler and child molester who fled the Nation to create a kind of anti-Nation, claiming Judaism just as the Nation claimed Islam. There, Yahweh ben Yahweh encouraged his followers to kill Whites and bring him body parts as evidence. Outside of Comparative Religion wonks (like me) and crime aficionados, most people know little about this sensational case due to the media ignoring the group and its offshoots even as they still have major presences in several large cities.
But fringe cults and violent teens aren’t the only people physically acting out leftist class and race warfare politics. Crime news is rife with cases of Black on White hate crimes that are barely reported and never taken seriously.
In April of 2000 eight year old Kevin Shiflett was playing in his Alexandria, VA front yard when Gregory Devon Murphy, a parolee who had only been recently released after another racially motivated attack on a White, stabbed the child to death while yelling racial epithets. While investigators found evidence that the killing was racially motivated they never warned the public that the unstable Murphy was still a danger to Whites while on the loose. When the press accused police publicly of hiding important details the public needed to know about the danger, the police defended their secrecy by claiming they didn’t want to create more racial tensions. Murphy went on to assault his lawyer at trial, calling the man a racist.
The unusual brutality and depravity of the Christian/Newsom murders made it plainly obvious it was a hate crime of the most heinous variety. Some have said that the death penalty isn’t enough punishment for the sadists who committed one of the most unspeakable atrocities of the decade:
Channon Christian, 21 and Christopher Newsom, 23, went out for dinner on January 6, 2007 at a local restaurant in Knoxville, Tennessee, they were scheduled to attend a friend’s party that very night, but sadly never made it. After Channon did not arrive for work the next day, her friends and family began to worry. They contacted police and were told to wait a while, that perhaps the young couple left of their own free will, but while they waited and called local hospitals, the unthinkable was happening.
Channon and Christopher were carjacked for Channon’s Toyota 4runner early on January 7th at gunpoint by George Geovonni “Detroit†Thomas, 27, Lamaricus Devall “Slim†Davidson. 25, Letalvis “Rome†Cobbins, 24 and Vanessa Coleman, 18. Almost as quickly as they were carjacked, the very car that was stolen was dumped and a new plan was in place, the young couple were taken to Lemaricus Devall “Slim” Davidson’s rental home at which point the crime of carjacking turned into something far more devastating and non-media friendly.
Christopher was tied up and beaten, he was then repeatedly raped in front of his girlfriend, he was then drenched in gasoline and dragged from the home to a nearby railroad where he was shot several times and then set on fire.
The four maniacs then returned to do far more damage to Channon who at the time was I can imagine was still reeling from seeing her boyfriend beaten and raped and then dragged from the house screaming. For her it would be far worse as she was hog tied and raped anally, orally and vaginally. She was severely beaten, she was sexually assaulted with objects that left the medical examiner sick with the knowledge of how far and to what extent this torture was taken. Cleaning liquid was forced down her throat and poured over her genitals. This did not happen in a matter of hours, this was happening over and over again over a couple of days while countless people searched for her.
Many people knew this was happening in the inner circle of friends these monsters had, many people tried to hide them, protect them, destroy evidence, but in the end they were caught, their faces revealed.
Those many people were Black Americans who thought the White couple tortured to death didn’t deserve justice. Why? We can only surmise since the media largely ignored the story until Conservatives like Michelle Malkin and LaShawn Barber publicized the case, but even then the media spent more time fretting over the racism of people demanding justice for the victims than how family and friends justified covering up the crime.
The Witchita Massacre was similarly covered up by the media, and obviously encouraged by the class and race warfare rhetoric of the left. The crime was so brutal it left only one survivor after five young Whites were raped, tortured and humiliated by brothers Reginald and Jonathan Carr. The pair shot all five execution style but the lone survivor lucked out when her hairpin deflected the bullet and she played dead. The two then tortured the dog of one of their victims to death. The brothers had killed or attempted to kill several other Whites during that night.
In 2007 Stephen Johnson, a violent racist with AIDS, assaulted a Greenwich Village bar shooting several people and attempting to set more on fire before he was subdued by two brave women:
“This was a malice-driven hate crime, cut short only by the great bravery of some of the victims,” noted Assistant District Attorney Peter Hinckley.
Hinckley had told jurors that Johnson – despite his history of mental-health problems – knew full well what he was doing on the warm June evening of his rampage.
He had prepared diligently, the prosecutor said. Johnson left behind a Williamsburg, Brooklyn, housing project festooned with hand-stenciled anti-white slogans, images of guns and Nation of Islam slogans.
He armed himself with two semiautomatic handguns, a two-shot Derringer, a Samurai sword, dozens of plastic wrist cuffs, and a squirt bottle holding a full quart of kerosene.
He also carried a recorded pep talk – a cassette of his own voice twistedly telling himself, “Get ready to pull your guns on these crackers, son.”
“Don’t have no pity, yo,” he snarls in the tape, which was played for jurors. “Bang them in the head and let them bleed, son. Let them bleed. Let them cry. Let them scream.”
He even wore a catheter, so that he wouldn’t be interrupted by nature’s call.
First you’ve heard of that? Strange isn’t it?
By encouraging the envy of and demonization of Americans, White Americans specifically, the left has stained its hands with the blood of thousands of innocent people whose only crime was to cross the path of someone whose bigotry and hatred was stoked by the liberal media and educational establishment. They then compound the problem by ignoring it, which gives tacit permission to criminals to commit the most vile crimes. The far left calls this revolutionary violence and many a liberal blogger has supported Black criminality as part of their larger political agenda as we saw in the Jena Six case. But their disdain for Blacks is betrayed by not just their expectations that Black people can’t be expected to not commit crimes, but by their silence when Blacks are victims of crimes by other Blacks, as is the case of the Dunbar Village gang rapes.
Liberals have never been interested in healing the racial divide, because racial tensions provide too much cover for the essentially nihilistic and devolutionary politics of progressivism to let go. Class and racial strife are weapons the left uses to bludgeon opposition, maintain control of minority voting blocs, and attack the freedoms America provides but totalitarianism can’t abide.The innocent victims of that strife are just collateral damage to the left. They are as meaningless as the slogans they spout and inconsequential to the pseudo-intellectual elite that sees itself as superior to any average middle American. Promoting individuality and personal responsibility would help bridge the divide so they attack those things to keep minorities, especially Blacks, angry. Then they mop up the blood and lock away the criminals, ensured that they still have control over Black America as surely as they did when they enacted Jim Crow laws.
And the Black community lets them.
Bottom line is hate is a two way street. When one segment of society is taught over and over that they are victims and can never get ahead and any assault on their “oppressor” is a part of a struggle for justice will never get ahead.
I could fill an equal space with black on white crime as you. I wish they never created a hate crime statute. Any person assaulting another person should be punished equally. By putting a higher sentence for assaults on one group makes them feel justified in assaulting each other.
Race in our country is interesting. Earlier this week I was called aracist for opposing the current healthcare proposal..yet these same folks ignored me when I praised Obama’s tariff on Chinese tires. Obama is our president and it’small minded to label a fellow citizen a racist for simply opposing apolitical position. People who do such things use the race card to their own detrement. Like the story of the bot who cried wolf. Soon it will fall on deaf ears.
And it should. The average person is no more racist than the people making the charge, but every time these sorts of charges are made we increase tensions between the races.