Harry Reid is a Racist and All Black Liberals are Uncle Toms

I’ll make this short and sweet. Harry Reid’s “Negro dialect” statement is not a compliment to Obama. It is an attack on every other Black person Reid has met. There is no “Negro dialect” that Black people speak but Biracial people can turn on and off. What Reid is saying is that most Black people are uneducated hood rats who can’t speak English properly except for the mighty Obama who, by virtue of his White blood and Communist, I’m sorry Democrat, party card is the new “super(Negro)man” who can lead the party to victory.

All Black liberals, including Obama, supported Reid. This is outrageous but not a surprise. After all, they support liberal educational systems like the one in New York where Black and Latino students have a 50 percent drop out rate. White students in New York graduate at a much higher rate.

Then when Black kids, who were hamstrung by White liberal teachers who spent most of their time talking about how evil Bush was instead of teaching, aren’t as eloquent as people with better education, those White “liberals” laugh at them and mock them. Isn’t that progressive?

If someone were to call me a “Mulatto” it’d be on. If someone claimed that as a “Mulatto” I was exceptional to other Blacks and “Mulattoes” because I read alot we’d have a serious problem. When someone who supposedly represents the right goes all David Duke somewhere I speak up. When Sheridan Folger allowed a “White civil rights” group to post on his Ning network and promoted those posts via his Twitter account, I called him out on it leading me to get an empty legal threat from John Barnhart in the comments as well as being called retarded. But that didn’t deter me.

One of the chief reasons for the Rob Taylor/Wicca split in the late 90s (aside from the fact that Wicca is a hippy sex cult) was their racist attacks on folk traditions and African diaspora religions, attacks now exemplified by the awful book Generation Hex by known racist and hack Jason Louv. I spoke out and continue to speak out about how racist Wicca is and I don’t excuse Wiccans for the institutionalized bigotry against traditional occult or religious practices.

The point I’m making here is that just because I’m on the Right or a Pagan doesn’t mean I have to tap dance for the Right or Paganism. In fact, both the right and “occultism” (of the serious type) in general reward and respect individuality though clearly there are some in both with the leftist herd mentality. I will not defend attacks on Black folk from righties, just as I won’t abide misogyny from the so-called right. I won’t simply let pass the fact that people like Stacy McCain think that Harry Reid was “right” in his rank bigotry and I don’t allow it to go unnoticed that in this one thing Amanda Marcotte is almost, sort of right about this issue. I mean except for the part where she doesn’t seem to care about the actual racism.

Of course, the fact that Pandagon’s comments devolved into Klannishness is not a surprise.

But Black “liberals” are busy claiming there is absolutely nothing wrong with Reid’s belief that Black people all share a “negro dialect” that Obama could use but his White blood luckily makes him able to speak “normally.” Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Marc Lamont Hill,The Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP and every other Black liberal or liberal group who has covered for Reid may as well be picking his cotton while jockeying for a position as house negro. Reid is a racist by definition, a person who sees the majority of a race as inferior in some way to other races.

Anyone who can’t see that needs to stop shining the Democrat’s shoes for a moment and take a good look at where black people are in this country.

The National Center for Public Policy has a round up of the reactions of Black people who have an ounce of pride.

4 thoughts on “Harry Reid is a Racist and All Black Liberals are Uncle Toms

  1. Rob Taylor,

    I wouldn’t say that all black liberals supported Reid, but it appears that the overwhelming majority of them did here. Still, one wonders how the mainstream media and the Democratic party would have treated this had Reid been a Republican. There would have probably been a hissy fit, with lots of whining about how this somehow proves that conservatives are racists.

  2. I wonder how these Hippicrites would find out that the racist African People’s Socialist Party is also referring Obama to be “not black enough” as the reason they are opposing him.

    The real answer to why they won’t confront it, is because they KNOW that it would expose their own hypocrisy when they do this kind of thing to African-American Conservatives.

  3. So, my campaign to tell black people how well they speak with or without their “negro dialect” would be ill advised?

    By Obama and now Michelle Obama, giving a clear pass to these types of comments only makes it okay to be openly racist for everyone else. And the news media certainly won’t try to embarrass Reid on this.

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