2 thoughts on “Chemistry

  1. I don’t get how Obamacrats can suggest that their boy Obama is for “change” when Obama has selected someone who praised even John McCain. Which also exposes that McCain himself, may not be so right-wing as what Obama claims him to be.

    Furthermore, I have also heard that Obama wishes to increase government involvement in faith-based initiative programs which originally was promoted by George W. Bush. Why does it seem like Obama can get away with just about anything? Even looking like his adversaries?

  2. You know who else campaigned on a platform of “change”? Jimmy Carter. Enough said.

    As for that video, Biden is like a caricature of the quintessential liberal, so proud of the generosity he showed by “trying to get black men to understand” how to act right? Man, you just can’t make this stuff up.

    I’ve been reading a lot about how often Biden puts his foot in his mouth because he doesn’t know when to quit, and this video is the perfect example. Not only does he spew racist, paternalistic nonsense, but he tops it off by making Obama’s private health decisions public. There’s no way Obama is genuinely happy about having this guy as a running mate.

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