Black Super Delegates Learning How Black Conservatives are Treated

The Politico ran this weepy piece about Black super delegates who are still with Clinton getting death threats from Obama supporters. The author doesn’t state the whole story as most of the nastiness no doubt comes from Whites:

African-American super delegates said Thursday that they’ll stand up against threats, intimidation and “Uncle Tom” smears rather than switch their support from Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton to Sen. Barack Obama.

“African-American super delegates are being targeted, harassed and threatened,” said Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.), a super delegate who has supported Clinton since August. Cleaver said black super delegates are receiving “nasty letters, phone calls, threats they’ll get an opponent, being called an Uncle Tom.

“This is the politics of the 1950s,” he complained. “A lot of members are experiencing a lot of ugly stuff. They’re not going to talk about it, but it’s happening.”

After civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) switched his support from Clinton to Obama earlier this week, other black super delegates have come under renewed pressure to do a similar about-face. A handful have bowed to the entreaties in recent weeks, including Georgia Rep. David Scott, but many say they are steadfast in their support for Clinton and resent strong-arm tactics to make them change.

Rep. Diane E. Watson (D-Calif.), a black lawmaker and Clinton backer, said the intense lobbying for Obama would not alter her vote.

“I’ve gotten threatening mail,” Watson said. “They say, ‘Your district went 61-29 Obama and you need to change.’ But I don’t intimidate. I can hold the ground. … I would lose my seat over my principles.”


Cleaver questioned why white super delegates such as Massachusetts Sens. Edward M. Kennedy and John F. Kerry weren’t being targeted to support Clinton after she carried their state.

“If white people were being harassed and threatened because they were not supporting a white candidate, we’d see headlines,” he said.


“I refuse to believe that Sen. Obama gave orders for something like this to happen. This is a contradiction of the new politics that Sen. Obama is running on,” he said. “My fear is with all of the nastiness, we’re going to have a whole lot of kissing and making up to do as a party.”

Of course, Obama doesn’t have to, he has people like Jane Hamsher to do it for him.

One thought on “Black Super Delegates Learning How Black Conservatives are Treated

  1. I see this more and more. I am a conservative and I would never think of using a persons race against them in any way. It seems that racism is very much alive in the “African American” Community. Martin Luther King’s dream is dieing and it is being killed by anyone who does this type of thing..

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