Worst Home Invasion Ever!


When South Carolina bad boys Steven Mullimax and Devein Eudy, both 19, decided to make some quick cash by committing a home invasion they thought they needed a partner. So they set out for a night of crime with 15-year-old girl in tow. She is seven months pregnant.

It should come as no surprise that things did not go well for these criminal masterminds:

GAFFNEY, S.C. — A 15-year-old girl who is seven months pregnant is one of three people charged in connection with a home invasion robbery.

Deputies said the girl and two teenage boys forced their way into home of Curtis Durant Holmes on Blue Branch Road in Gaffney at about 11:30 p.m. Monday.

Investigators said that Holmes hit one of the boys with a hammer. The threesome were arrested after they went to Mary Black Hospital so that the injured teen could be treated.

Ouch. Hopefully these two morons have learned a lesson, or at least learned not to break into houses in a “red state” where we take the right to bear hammers seriously. As for the underage Bonnie to these two sub-par Clydes, she was released into her guardian’s custody who we assumed made an appointment to beat the living crap out of her the day after she gives birth.

h/t So Jaded at Dreamin’ Demon who also manged to find Devein Eudy’s MySpace. Read his blurb, it explains everything.

2 thoughts on “Worst Home Invasion Ever!

  1. You should be put in jail for being a loser.
    Get a life. Nobody gives a damn about your opinion on this matter.

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