The Face of Dhimmitude

On occasion people on the right make the argument that leftists apologists for radical Islam are either disingenuous or so full of hatred for their own western civilization that they argue for things they don’t believe. Unfortunately that leaves out a large chunk of people on the left who are literally happy to be Dhimmis and want to become part of the world wide caliphate.

One such person is this young gal from Canada who claims to be a Muslim convert (though you can sometimes see a cross on her) and has caused quite a stir by adopting Wahhabists views which she promotes on YouTube.

Her videos are hard to watch, as this is in general an unhappy girl who is using Islam the same way kids like her would use Emo. It’s a preemptive strike, something she throws in the face of people she feels will reject her anyway, giving her a comforting reason as to why people “hate” her.

Like all kids she doesn’t understand that nobody, even the people who rough her up on the comments, literally hate her. But she does draw some animosity from people for defending radical Islamic stances (while conveniently living somewhere where Sharia isn’t enforced on her) and in general parroting the ideology of Islamist websites. Here’s a sampling.

In this vid she starts slow, business picks up around 2:57. the first two minutes are informative however, because they explain why she’s so eager for acceptance and so full of self loathing:


So Muhammad wouldn’t rape a little girl and at the same time little girls back then were old enough for sex anyway, so it isn’t rape. I’ve heard that one before. It’s almost as if she’s repeating the things Muslims say without thinking about them. Watch this one to be shocked:


Translation: Muslims don’t beat their wives, but if they did beat their wives it wouldn’t be as bad as people think. Where’s Pandagon when you need them.

So how did this new Muslim come to Islam? A true conversion or some angsty immature lashing out?


The Internet radicalizing alienated youth? Who’d a’ thunk?

Odds that once she marries one of her Muslim friends she’ll see Wahhabism in a different light : 1-4

Odds that she’ll end up strapped to the wrong end of a suicide belt: That’s a sucker’s bet.

I blame the parents. And the left.

2 thoughts on “The Face of Dhimmitude

  1. Rob, don’t forget that she is from Canada. Can’t just blame the parents and the Left. Canada, a a whole, is infected with the wackiest multicultural bull. It infects the schools, government, everything. It’s ridiculous. The best thing that Canada has going for it is that it is near the US and some of our good qualities can’t but help rub off on its people even as its government strives to be European.

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