Thanks for Making Us Look Good Chicago

On the cusp of the historic election of Barack Obama Black Americans had good reason to celebrate. A few hours later anyone of African descent was cringing at the spectacle of Obama’s home town constituents exposing the world to the very worst of our community:

At least five people were arrested across the city after Barack Obama’s rally in Grant Park, including a woman who slapped a Chicago police officer, saying police couldn’t arrest her anymore, prosecutors said today.

Most of the others celebrated the historic occasion with gunfire.

Celita Hart, 19, stood silently in court today when she appeared for a bond hearing.

Prosecutors said Hart, who is black, yelled ” ‘White [expletive], [expletive] McCain–you white police can’t do nothing anymore.'” With that, she reached through the window of a squad car and slapped a white male officer in the face, according to Assistant State’s Atty. Lorraine Scaduto.

The incident occurred after police responded to a crowd of people celebrating Obama’s win on the corner of 69th Street and Western Avenue. Hart, of the 7100 block of South Rockwell Street, was charged with aggravated battery of a police officer and was ordered her held in lieu of $10,000 bail.

Others who appeared before Circuit Judge Israel Desierto included Andre Murph, 37, of Aurora, who was arrested after police saw him shooting a handgun into the ground on the Southwest Side.

Scaduto said he told the officers he was “shooting to celebrate Obama as president.”

Narada Thomas, 23, of the 1200 North Central Avenue, allegedly gave a similar explanation after he was arrested with a handgun near his home. “He said he had the gun because he wanted to celebrate Obama becoming the first black president,” Scaduto said.

Kenneth Smith, 24, of the 6700 block of South Ada Street, was arrested after he allegedly fired a handgun outside his home. Smith, who is on parole for a previous weapons conviction, told authorities that “the police only arrested him because a black man won for president,” Scaduto said.

Thanks for making us look good. I’m sure Obama is proud of you today.

h/t Weasel Zippers

2 thoughts on “Thanks for Making Us Look Good Chicago

  1. Oh, I have a good one for you!:

    I was in line at a fast foot restaurant last night with my daughter. There was a black lady in front of us who kept telling the young white server behind the counter that her drink wasn’t cold enough, her drink didn’t taste right, she changed her mind and wanted this menu number instead of that one (after she had already been given what she picked) …. The poor girl was doing her best to appease this woman, who had a few friends with her and each looking at the girl like they wanted to beat her ass in the alley outside.

    The other patrons ranged from hispanic to black to asian and then me, my daughter and 2 other white people other than the handful of white people behind the counter.

    After 15 minutes of this woman’s irrational behavior, she finally slapped down the money to pay and then said loudly, “We gots a black presdent. I don’t gotta take no shit no mo from no white trash like you. I’m black and that makes ME right!”

    This girl had done nothing. She had smiled the whole time, had bent over backwards to please this woman who was purposefully rude when she could have called the manager to help her. Even after the bitch’s comment, the girl still smiled and told her to have a nice day, then continued to help each of the woman’s friends who treated her the same way.

    I was expecting to hear gasps and some kind of support for the girl. Instead I saw the other black customers nod their heads in agreement of the womans attitude.

    I have never been racist and my own daughter doesn’t understand the concept of describing people using the color of their skin – she describes their hair or their clothes but not their skin. The way the black population is behaving now is going to start another civil war in which the KKK will have gained followers of people who never thought to do so until now.

  2. It’s quite embarrassing. Just remember that those are Black Democrats, there are Black Republicans, Libertarians, etc. who would never act like that.

    The older generation wouldn’t have either. The behavior you’re seeing is the result of the welfare state, which socially engineered Black families into one parent homes and created a sense of entitlement beyond what is rational. My grandparents worked their whole life and never took a hand out, had friends of all races and struggled against real bigotry. The people you describe have been infantilized. Gansta rap, in concert with a Marxist teacher’s union, has created a new generation of angry, violent ignorant youth primed for racial conflict.

    They are pawns however. The Communist Party USA openly brags about going into Black neighborhoods just before the L.A. riots and handing out inflammatory propaganda. And look at people like Ayers, et al. They are White radicals who put themselves in teaching positions to stoke racial animosity. The Marxists in this country want a race war because it will topple our government, and we on the right have ceded too much territory to them in our educational systems.

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