San Francisco Hails Jimi Hendrix as a Role Model for Teachers

Only in San Francisco can you find such an obvious example of the perpetual adolescence of modern post-60s Liberalism and it’s insidious influence on society and culture:

The district has chosen a highly unusual role model to grace the cover of its new education guide, and some residents are questioning whether the choice sends a good message to the city’s youth.

On the cover of the new district guidebook – aimed at changing the educational “experiences for every child in each of our schools” – is a portrait of 1960s rock legend Jimi Hendrix, known as much for his fatal drug habit as his revolutionary take on rock music.

The district’s manifesto asks readers to remember “the first time you heard Jimi Hendrix,” before proclaiming “our plan is as transformational now as his music was then,” according to a report in the San Francisco Chronicle.

Garcia told the Chronicle that he was simply trying to “revolutionize” the district and felt comfortable with Hendrix’s controversial image because, “Hey, we’re in San Francisco.”

Jim Dierke, the principal of the Visitacion Valley Middle School told FOX News Wednesday that he supported the initiative: “This new approach, starting here … is a new and exiciting way to get to the root problem of kids and try to bring them along to the standards.”

But not all administrators feel the same.

One concerned “liberal hippie educator” in the district – who went unnamed for fear of retaliation – told the Chronicle, “I find the choice of Hendrix as inspiration to be used in an educational setting rather strange and out of touch.”

Out of touch because Hendrix died choking on his own vomit after a drug and alcohol binge. Jimi Hendrix is a tragic figure who should be admired for his music and used to perhaps teach a lesson in the dangers of excess. To use a drug fatality as a role model is more a childish thumb in the eye to social standards than a “revolutionary” gesture.

I suppose if teachers were to follow his example and die covered in piss and vomit they’d be heroes.

h/t Detention Slip

4 thoughts on “San Francisco Hails Jimi Hendrix as a Role Model for Teachers

  1. “I suppose if teachers were to follow his example and die covered in piss and vomit they’d be heroes.”

    Perhaps we should introduce the Dying in Your own Vomit initiative in Florida. It would certainly cut down on the number of cases where teachers have been charged for sleeping with their students 😮

  2. Ha! Maybe if more teachers were stoned out of their minds they’d keep their hands to themselves.

    If I have kids I’m homeschooling.

  3. I think your analysis is fairly close-minded. Jimi was a great person and unfortunately became a victim of the rock and roll lifestyle and poor management. But he was the greatest, most revolutionary musician of the 20th century so that carries a lot of weight. Plus a lot of kids like Jimi Hendrix so its a good fit.

  4. He choked to death on his own vomit because he was an addict. Being a great musician doesn’t mean you should be hailed as a hero. That’s childish nonsense.

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