San Francisco Condemns Catholic Teachings on Homosexuality, Islamic Homophobia Deemed Acceptable


Morons in San Francisco put together an official resolution condemning Catholic teachings on homosexuality a couple of years ago. The Church has wasted those last two years fighting a non-binding, non-regulatory proclamation in court instead of telling the city of San Fransisco to get bent, shutting down its churches and letting the anti-Catholic rabble of that hell hole feed their own homeless and shelter the illegals on the run from the law in their living rooms.

From (sigh) WND:

A San Francisco city and county board resolution that officially labeled the Catholic church’s moral teachings on homosexuality as “insulting to all San Franciscans,” “hateful,” “defamatory,” “insensitive” and “ignorant” will be challenged tomorrow in court for violating the Constitution’s prohibition of government hostility toward religion.

Resolution 168-08, passed unanimously by the City and County of San Francisco Board of Supervisors two years ago, also accused the Vatican of being a “foreign country” meddling with and attempting to “negatively influence (San Francisco’s) existing and established customs.”

It said of the church’s teaching on homosexuality, “Such hateful and discriminatory rhetoric is both insulting and callous, and shows a level of insensitivity and ignorance which has seldom been encountered by this Board of Supervisors.”

As WND reported, Resolution 168-08 was an official response to the Catholic Church’s ban on adoption placements into homosexual couple households, issued by Cardinal William Levada of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the Vatican.

The board’s resolution urged the city’s local archbishop and the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of San Francisco to defy the Vatican’s instructions, concluding with a spiteful reminder that the church authority that issued the ban was known 100 years ago as “The Holy Office of the Inquisition.”

The resolution also took a shot at Levada, the former archbishop of San Francisco, saying, “Cardinal Levada is a decidedly unqualified representative of his former home city, and of the people of San Francisco and the values they hold dear.”

The anti-Catholic diatribe had been challenged in U.S. District Court on similar grounds, but District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel ruled in favor of the city, saying, in essence, the church started it.

Right. Anyway lost on the Church and the people in San Fransisco is that in the two years since their proclamation there’s another homophobic religion who, unlike the all-talk Catholics, actually follow through on their no gay stuff ban. Despite the fact that homosexuals are killed in Muslim countries every year for the “crime” of being gay, the San Fransisco politicians have felt no need to condemn Islam.

I wonder why?


2 thoughts on “San Francisco Condemns Catholic Teachings on Homosexuality, Islamic Homophobia Deemed Acceptable

  1. A perfect example of how pathetically scared of offending Muslims many people have become. I guess their threats and intimidation work on some weak minded people. How embarrassing..

  2. I just think it’s hypocritical that people condemn Catholics while Muslims actually act on their theological objections to gays. I just wish someone would say “Hey, let’s get Muslims to stop killing gays then we’ll see what we can do getting the Church on board with gay rights.”

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