Roseanne Barr: Obama a Sell Out!

She doesn’t elaborate but goes on to say that Senator Clinton is a union buster. She must be a friend of jarjar from the comments section of this post, who has gone through various intellectual contortions to prove I’m both a racist and a sell out to my race.

What is it about the race card white liberals don’t understand? They try to play it time and again and never play it right.

For some Friday night fun, look around Barr’s blog for her pearls of wisdom. Pearls like this:

The Internet is the Goddess

Watch as she will expose hypocrisy, restrain untruth, bring data and information in a revolution only prayed for over the last ten thousand years of human history… breaking down the barriers between the human being and the highest knowledge… no priest, no state, no pope, no shaman needed any longer… the death of darkness, a new renaissance, a true renaissance, where light waves bounce off of transmitters and beam a billion transmissions to a billion different locations at once.. this is magic, true magic….she brings us the human will focused, and directed, she brings us evolution of the highest order, she brings us all the gifts of the ark of the covenant… information is god, and god is mind…the goddess is matter itself.

That’s deep man, real deep.