Rapper Akon is Basically a Child Molester (Plus the Most Racist Comment Ever!)

I’m in Ann Coulter country when it comes to the current move by some conservatives to go all P.M.R.C. on hip-hop because they use Imus-like language. But this is just foul, and I’m for a ban on Akon not just musically, but from the country. The ex-con rapper shouldn’t even be allowed within visual distance of a 14 year old girl, much less be allowed to simulate sex with one on stage.

Now my understanding is that Akon is only technically from America, and that he spent a lot of time in Senegal or something. I’m going to let White readers in on a little secret, Akon isn’t really Black!

Surprised? Here’s the deal. When I was growing up my family, who are all Black and had been here since the 1700’s when they were brought here as slaves, used to bad mouth Haitians, Jamaicans, and Africans as “not real Black folk.” In fact, and my mother will still tell you this is true, Haitians commit all the crimes that Black people get blamed for (White folks can’t “see” the difference between Blacks and Haitians because they’re racists) and Africans think they’re better than Black Americans even though Africans are all just as bad as Haitians. Think I’m joking? I didn’t think she was serious either.

Until I dated this girl from Trinidad, or as my mother would say, that place that’s the same as Haiti.

The point being that (and I know it’s wrong) when I heard this story about this guy, who looks Haitian to me, and hear he’s some sort of pervert, I wasn’t surprised. I was offended that Michelle Malkin didn’t make clear that Akon wasn’t a Black guy like Snoop Dogg or Diddy.

I guess I’m as bad as Imus.

45 thoughts on “Rapper Akon is Basically a Child Molester (Plus the Most Racist Comment Ever!)

  1. Ummm…I do not know what you have read but this fourteen year old girl was in a twenty-one and up club. Even though she is very young it would have been safe to assume that she looked mature and of age, once again she was in a twenty-one and up club. Get you shit straight.

  2. Ummm…I do not know what you have read but this fourteen year old girl was in a twenty-one and up club. Even though she is very young it would have been safe to assume that she looked mature and of age, once again she was in a twenty-one and up club. Get your shit straight.

  3. Ummm…I saw the video, she looked 14 tome and this story is several months old, let it go.

    Plus, you’re clearly a pervert, don’t come back.

  4. you say you’re a black person, you’re ignorant and so is your mom. trinidad’s the same as haiti? akon’s not really black? i have african blood on my mom’s side and if anything, africans could accuse african americans of not really being black. THEY’RE OUR ANCESTORS. yeah what akon did was wrong, not excusing that, you still ain’t got a clue what your’re talking ’bout. If a black person is gona be this stupid, uneducated and ignorant about color, how do expect white people to treat us? Please keep stupid ideas like this in your family. Black america already has enough 2 deal wit without idiots like you & your mom

  5. My family has lived in America since the 1700’s when they came here as slaves. It is different. Haitians often will tell you that they look down on American Blacks, as do many American non-Blacks. African Americans have a different experience that they should be proud of. By your theory Germans and the French are basically the same because they may have common ancestors, since Germany and France were one country until some time in the early middle ages. Does that make since?

    You and I additionally, if I understand your rant, are Bi-racial. If you’re my age(36) you’ll also have experienced that the same people who promote the “one African race” theory of Blackness exclude us as “Zebras” who aren’t really Black. Why quote a marxist based theory of Blackness that excludes you from the Black experience.

    You’ll also notice that I didn’t say this was right, that I understand the inherint racism of the statement. But since you didn’t read the post you you missed that.

    Now, my mother isn’t an idiot, she has had a number of bad experiences with Afro-Carrib immigants. She allows that to fuel her racism perhaps, but she doesn’t write things like “’bout” and replace the word two with “2”.

    If you’re worried about how Whites treat you, speak English. I myself dated a girl from Trinidad, I even ate her curry goat, my illustration above was simply an amusing anacdote showing my readers that knee jerk bigotry isn’t exclusive to Whites.

    Akon’s not Black though…

  6. Horrible.
    Even if the girl was a full grown woman. You just don’t do that. He is a pig.

    He is nothing.

  7. if you insist on nit-picking, i didn’t replace “two” with 2, I replaced “to”. That’s irrelevant though, as is your statement about Germans & French. Nothing in my post (no, not the fact that Africans are our ancestors) aludes to all members of the African diaspora being the same. So i used the word ‘aint’; it’s comic that you’ve reduced the entire problem of racism & discrimination to “speaking english”. And no, Haitians and Africans don’t commit all the crimes. In the hip-hop world, Akon is one of very few “non-black” (according to your laughable definition of “black”) artists around. The Game, 50 Cent, WuTang & the Snoop Dogg you use as an example of blackness are all “black” (descendants of slaves from Africa) and are all convicted felons. Go ahead & research prison populations, african-americans are a much higher portion of the black prison population, even after taking into account the actual numbers of America’s black/african-descended people. But hey, everyone’s entitled 2 an opinion, regardless of what it’s based on or whether or not it even makes sense.

    Maybe i’ve got my wires crossed, and this was PURELY meant to be comedy (the only justification for puttin up such a post)

    p.s. if akon isn’t black, what exactly is he?

  8. Explain how it’s nitpicking to say that Black Americans have a different culture and experience than Haitians or Black Africans? All are rich histories, but different. My example of my families antipathy toward “non-Blacks” (and one that I pointed out I don’t share twice) was meant to illustrate to you and the White readers that claiming my family who were here since the 1700’s is different from Akon’s family.

    The racism here is allowing people to rob you of the richness of your family history, which you seem O.K. with, not whether or not my mama likes Haitians (she’s quite the bigot as are many Haitians I’ve met) or if their is any truth peoples bigotry.

    Your example of 50 cent et al misses something important, these are all Black men that White owned corporations decided to promote. In other words the success of 50 and his ilk is due to the racism of the White “liberals” who book him on MTV and give him record contracts, people who ignore Black rock/industrial/punk bands an rappers who aren’t thugs because they are blinded by their racism into thinking Black men are all a certain way, or should be.

    And that’s the point isn’t it? That if we allow non-Blacks to define what Black is we allow the Black community to be held responsible for the sins of any dark skinned person Whites get angry at. Akon comes from a Muslim country where women are treated as property, Black Americans have, due to our unique experience, a society where women wield much more power and thus all Black Americans know simulating sex on crying child is wrong.

    I’m not saying Sengalese don’t know that, we of African Americans certainly do and criticism of our community based on what someone who isn’t a part of it does should be unacceptable to you.

    And capitalize Black brother; it’s beautiful!

  9. i see your point, and i have to say i agree. i’m all for black people embracing our unique cultures. don’t confuse my viewpoint with accepting being robbed of my heritage or blaming african-americans for one clown’s actions. white people grouping black people as one isn’t right and is ignorance on their part. having said that, i still believe, that we, at least to a certain extent, do and should share a common bond based, if on nothing else, the fact that we’ve all had to overcome obstacles to survive as black people in this country. my point is, no, white people shouldn’t get to define what “black” is but what’s even worse is one brother feeling like he’s better than another because his great-grandma had her ass beat by slavemasters in a cotton field in alabama instead of a plantation in jamaica.

  10. oh my reference to 50 cent et al wasn’t to start a debate on the white man’s influence on what music we put out, but to point out something you and i both know is true: that crime is just as prevalent among “regular” african-americans as it is among hatians, trinidadians, africans etc.

  11. You’re missing the point again. If you read my original post you’d see that I was indeed being critical of the racism (on both sides) that permeates many communities. I wasn’t making a value judgement as to who’s better, just pointing out that, as you would agree, lumping in Haitian and Black Americans into one group is the same as deciding the Irish and the French are the same because they’re “white” or from Europe.

    But the larger point is cultural differences, which I used my mothers bigotry to illustrate (I though rather humorously) which shouldn’t go unrecognized. We as people of African descent cannot define ourselves by white liberal academic interpretations of “Blackness”, especially by falling in to the trap of seeing ourselves as entirely the product of slavery. To do so is to hand the slaves shackles back to those who want us to continue to be subserviant to them.

    Free Black Americans fought in the Revolutionary war. Slavery in America was an importation of European, Muslim and sadly African customs into America but these influences are only part of what makes Black American culture unique.

    Akon isn’t even an American, and his music isn’t American hip-hop. His treatment of women is influenced by the Islamic values he was raised with in another country, values that teach young men that women who don’t dress modestly or are outside the house without a male relative are fair game for abuse. No member of my family has ever thought that, nor yours I’m sure.

    I’m incredibly proud of my family and their history, and you should be too. I will never accept white, marxist influenced catagorizations of my families heroic history as the same as anyone else some white liberal thinks looks like a Black guy. I won’t accept being lumped in as “brown people” and I won’t accept that others who do so are more enlightened than I am.

  12. no, i think you’ve missed my point, and you’re taking us in circles. i’m not comin back coz im done going in circles. i’ve agreed that your point is a valid one, the 2 views don’t have to be mutually exclusive though. there’s no doubt that the uniqueness of our cultures is to be celebrated. the fact remains that slavery and oppression happened and we overcame it. what you’ve decided to interpret as “seeing ourselves as entirely the product of slavery”, i (along with many others) see it (albeit not completely) as proudly pointing to a scar for the puropose of letting the world know we got over it.

  13. Look u Guys this person who wrote this is right.
    Haitians are not black, but they do have african ancestry though.
    Remember back in the day the white Man would rape and sleep with colored and stuff.
    SO some blacks need to get there facts straight.
    Haitians don’t understand a civil rights movement, or boycott and stuff.
    Their own race of people haven’t or don’t deserve to be called Black anyways, because they honestly don’t know Black African American History, and Our slavery.
    And Not all White People caused this.
    Remember, NO BLacks, Italians, Jews, ect. NOw that Kennedy is president, the irish are almost white.
    Atmost the right side of europe is stronger and smarter than the left side but more in an evil way.
    And also, remember, even though thats true, because of teachings, some of the Left side of europe is racist too.
    German MAster Race We will all Die.
    SO why do u think when it comes to race, sometimes haitians have a separate race box to mark off.
    But to be 4 real, bcuz some arent eduacated enough to understand ethnicity, and race, and ancestry. AS IN African.
    Their just plain fckn stupid,
    and still White man laughs at them.
    NO wonder theres a black kkk. Just jokin. lol.
    I asked a haitian before im half black and haitian. im like wtf.
    See haitians cant be considered hispanic/ latina, becuz of blood line, and of course it’s gona have dominent traces of African blood, and the hair is what u call negra.
    NO way.
    burnt meat.
    Fuck that.
    NO idols for me,
    MOstly all the american blacks were religious.
    NOt of satin the fuck face man.
    And sang gospels, not a chant in a voodoo cult.
    Bia I be scared to sleep at night.
    If the right side of europe wasnt so curious, oh the world is square, no its round, lets find out, or bring back stuff for the kings and queens, or curious whats out there, we wouldn’t be mixed today, or enslaved, or whatever.
    We would still be in our own lil land.
    And for the Native americans.
    Them fuckers kicked them on to wetlands, and brought slaves over to work instead, because blacks were stronger, and harder workers, meaning didnt die as fast.
    Why fight for a country thats not yours.
    If White man today would stop fckn wit peoples country and stop takin over, we wouldnt have terrorist.
    If thats the case.
    As For Akronic lol.
    That’s jus sick.
    He got the voodoo stick.

  14. I agree with the point about Akon he is a racist, and he is not even black himself which makes it worse. And also yes i am white but i certainly am not racist, you say about white peaple generalising about whet they thinck about other cultures but you are doing the same by saying all white peaple thinck this about black peaple and they do not know the difference between Blacks and Haitians from what i have seen, yes there are racist white peaple which is wrong but there are also racist black peaple they generalise and have one idea of what white peaple are like. I would just like to say i am been carefull with what i put as as soon as you seem to say anything about anouther cultur it seems to get classed as ” racist “

  15. I’ve said in the comments and elsewhere that Blacks can be racist, in fact that was the point of my post. I think that all “liberals” who are White are racist because modern liberalism is just Marxist influenced leftism, not the classical liberalism that sees people as individuals. Because leftism is collectivist and reliant on minority oppression to drive it forward, it has a built in racism that see Blacks and others as inferior to, and victims of, White men.

    It is typical of leftism epitimized by Jesse Jackson, Rev. Wright and Fr. Phlager that mild criticism of the rap sub-culture, for example, would be called racism. Phlager himself is a bald-faced racist mocking Black people with his fake accent, but the left has brain washed Black folk into thinking he’s less a racist than malkin.

  16. Wow. And this is how a black man is deluded into being anti-liberal? Somehow the all but crushed labor movement of the 19th and early 20th centuries, nearly the only thing that fought back against corporate excess, is represented as having been driven by minority oppression?

    Right. Because oppression is a fault of the oppressed, not the oppressors. Is that what you’re saying?

    I can only guess what your politics are and I’m constantly amazed at how people are convinced to support anti human interests even when those interests specifically target their own group (be it class, nationality, race, lifestyle, being a free human or whatever).

    The only “invisible hand” of capitalism is the one that has reached into your head.

  17. Who freed the slaves Geller, Democrats? And how is it liberal for some White racist to decide he can lecture me about how I should think? Is that what you think of Black folks? That we need your guidance? That we’re children?

    How is it anti-human to say a man shouldn’t simulate rape on a 15-year-old? Even better question: Why are you not disgusted by Akon assaulted a teem girl? Is it not shocking because he isn’t White?

    You’re a racist. Like all supposed liberals who refuse to embrace Classical Liberal values like individual self-worth. I’ll bet you love seeing Blacks thick of themselves as victims that only cretin like you can help. I bet the thing you jerk off to the most is Black people saying “Oh massa Gella’ thank you foh’ makin’ me see that I can’t make it within’ out you hep'”

    Go back to DailyKos troll, with all the other White Devils.

  18. .
    it’s scary how you guys generalize, fuckin’ scary

    racism will always be here until people like you don’t realize that no man on this Earth is responsible for something that somebody else did, even if they have the same fucking skin color.

    a WHITE guy

  19. I’m married but why would it matter if I’m gay.

    But since we’re talking about fags, whose the anonymous poster hiding behind a fake name? Kind of craven isn’t it?

  20. all of you guy sound stuiped i studied DNA we as people started in africa we all share the same blood line we only changed when our ancesters move to diffrent locations and as time went by we change to fit the land and the time so black is black and thats that

  21. Akon, a self confessed Muslim who practices polygamy and has 3 wives (read article), shocked an audience and a 14-year-old girl in Trinidad, when Akon brought the girl onstage and dry humped her while also pushing her around the stage. Richard Gere’s forced kiss in India is G rated compared to Akon’s obscenity.

    Akon told the audience that he was holding a “contest” with the winner getting a trip to Africa. He said that although they had held the contest in London, and Atlanta, that Trinidad’s contest would be his favorite. Akon managed to get seven girls onstage, and to compete they had to dance like whores. The winner had to compete with Akon, and one got molested by him.

    Don Imus defended his own sexist comments by saying that black rappers and hip hop artists demean women, and make sexist comments much worse than his “nappy headed ho” comment. Now Akon goes and proves Imus was right, and like R. Kelly, Akon was humping on an underage teenage girl.

    Adding insult to the injury, Akon announced the contest was a fake.

    It doesn’t matter if Akon knew this girl’s age or not. The fact is he acted badly, and even if the women consented to being treated like sex objects, they should be as ashamed as Akon. In the United States the girl doesn’t have to give consent, she only has to be under 18 years-old for Akon to go to jail.

    Some may wonder why the Imus issue is thrown into this article. The fact is, in America many black leaders have been promoting racial double standards, and attacks on whites who use language common in many black communities. Little attention is being given to people like Akon who are considered a role model to by many young blacks. Not all blacks agree with the leaders of their community, or with how AKon or this girl acted, and this article is not directed at them.

    Side note: Akon is no stranger to trouble, he served a three-year jail sentence for grand theft auto.

  22. none of that shit does not even make sense i go out everyday and i don’t see things like that i think it is in alot of people’s heads. I am white and i have always look at the person and not what their color is and besides that is only a small portion of the world that reads into all of that crap

  23. don’t judge a book by it’s cover i have heard it from plenty of white people and i am yet to hear from blacks it’s a healthy saying but when you constantly hear a black person say they don’t have it as good as whites and they think that they are more deserving of pity and are better then whites i mean come on we already let a mostly black man become president what else do they want us all to move the hell out of america i hear more blacks talking about racism they want to laugh off what they created for another white person in a bad way i mean stop being a sell out and by the book


  25. That’s like saying all Asians are the same because they all fought the Mongols at some point. Haitian culture and American Black culture are different and there’s nothing wrong with that. What’s wrong is having White people think that my family who have been here since their 1700s is similar to yours. We’re not and it’s spitting on my families illustrious history of struggle to claim it is.

    We are not “all one” we are different people with different traditions and history that need to be celebrated.

    And if you’re going to type in all caps with periods everywhere I’m going to go ahead and say you’re probably Irish.

  26. i cant belive what i just read such ignorance and racism.. rob taylor your the problem. by the way being black is a color, not a race not ethnicity. Akon IS BLACK he may not be African American but his skin color is black just look.
    that being said, when you say…Haitians commit all the crimes that Black people get blamed for (White folks can’t “see” the difference between Blacks and Haitians because they’re racists) and Africans think they’re better than Black Americans even though Africans are all just as bad as Haitians.

    haitians commit all the crimes that black people get blamed for is the exact same thing as when a white person says black people commit all the crimes. its being racist and stereotyping and judging a group by the actions of a few. if you dont know eveyr hatian dont speak for their people. second you called whites rascist. clearly u r. we r racist? because we tell it like it is while u r in denial, yes we say he is black just like you call us white, eminem went to jail! all white people go to jail! well fuck what what ethnicity is eminem do you even know? no of course not not unless he told you because you cant tell by looking, so you are doing the same exact thing as when white people call haitians black, when you call irish white, germans white, deutch white on and on…

    im sick of blacks bitching to us about something that happened hundreds of years ago when my family was not even in this country yet yet all white people are the devil for it. shut up. it did not happen to you, and even if it did the people today did not do it. so if u were born white would you appologize?

  27. Can you read? Nothing you’re rambling about is in my post. Who told you to apologize for slavery? And as I said IN THE TITLE I was talking about racism. However claiming that all “Black” people are the same regardless of ethnicity is indeed racist as well.

    What bothers me is that you clearly didn’t read the post. Why do you morons always come here and argue about something I never actually said?

  28. How the hell does this go from akon being sexist or watever into african american history.let me get the story straight for u.Akon ya he did molest that girl. but she was in a fuckin’ 21 year old and up club. wat u expect. and if she was smart enough she would have not even said yes to having sex to him.

    Akon rocks (beautiful) best song ever and just shut the fuck up. and this story is bogus. U. mr. story writer. u is probably a minor cuz u are saying that ur mom will prove everything. who gives a fuck.

  29. are u crazy speaking to the author.
    where do u come off calling caribbean persons non-black. who gave u or ur mother permission to decide who is black and who is not. i am a 19 year old jamaican girl who found your insentive and unrealsitic comments somewhat offensive. it has me wondering to what extent u were u were educated because you don’t sound like some one with much sense.
    you as black individual is suppose to be sticking up for our race and unifying our people together but instead u are here putting us in categories because of our different personalities and the region we are from.
    are u then saying that only americans are black? if you are then going to categorize us then i can bet that i am more black than u as i am a direct descendant from african maroons who fought for us blacks to gain emancipation from slavery.
    a hard, long,laborous fight which was successful. now iam not saying that we as blacks should put up with the crap that other blacks do but no matter what we would want to say or do they are blacks non the less.
    i am Jamaican and i am black and i am very proud. so don’t you dear come here and say i am not. i will not dignify your statement however deflamatory language or any thing of the sort but i found it imperative to tell you that you are wrong in ur perception of who is black.

  30. If you were literate you would have seen that I was relating a story as to how my mother viewed these things and I freely admired that. However my family has been here since the 1700s, you have not. Our cultures are different and we are not of the same “race” and I will not ‘stick up” for anyone I don’t agree with based on their supposed connection to me.

    How many Black Africans sold other blacks into slavery in the first lace and continue to do so today? Should I stick up for them too?

    And learn to speak English.

  31. I like how every argument degenerates to “Learn how to speak English”
    Keep posting, this is hilarious.

  32. seriously this article made no sense. first of all the first twenty bones were found in africa. second of all after they bought the slaves here from africa and they got their freedom some stayed in haiti, some in jamaica some went back some other places. the same way haitian etc..could be mix with white is the same in africa and other country after all they didnt only send the ones that were non mix back to africa. think about it. haitian and jamaican etc only thinks they are better than african cuz they are closer to this western country ….AMERICA. in my open as long as u look dark brotwn u are nothing but a black person. cuz originally we are all from the same place and read history haitian ppl have alot in common with africans and their blood as trace back to africa……….:) accept what u are.

  33. Are you saying Haitian culture and Black American culture are the same?

    Ask a Haitian what they think of American Blacks by the way, you’ll be surprised.

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