Hot Air was having some fun with this vid of the worlds luckiest no-talent hack showing off his raging case of BDS while at the same time proving that you just can’t stay hip after 50. I chuckled too, until I caught the part where he implies that Justice Thomas isn’t to be considered a “brother” anymore because he’s a Conservative.
A White liberal is saying that Blacks shouldn’t consider other Blacks as “authentic” unless they toe the White liberal party line. Can anyone explain to me why this isn’t racist?
Everyone is missing the point here. Newman is mocking, not endorsing these views. That is what he does. He doesn’t have anything against short people. He doesn’t endose “keeping the n******s down” (from “Rednecks”). He is not advocating nuking the rest of the world (“Political Science”). He probably doesn’t even like LA all that much. He is mocking these views. That is what he does. Everyone is missing the point.
Oh. I guess that’s possible. If it was satire, and nobody “gets it” doesn’t that say something as well? I say it means two things
1) As a Bi-Racial Republican, I’m so used to hearing about how conservatism is selling out that I just assumed he was serious. In otherwords lefty racism has made me a bit too sensitive.
2) Newman may want to lay some groundwork with the right, we always assume Hollywood types are closet Racist/Commies.
Anyway if I’m wrong, I’m truly sorry. And I would thank you elmerb. I’m still not sure that I am though. I’ll check it out.
I have to take issue with the “no talent hack” comment….
He is (IMHO) probably America’s greatest living songwriter…and hugely disrespected by people who base their opinions on 1 or 2 songs or his movie work……anyway- that’s just a difference of opinion….they help keep the world interesting.
I gotta go with elmerb…..he is mocking these viewpoints…and he does so in ways that are often disturbing….and always thought-provoking. You can probably tell I’m a huge fan, and he has left me shaking my head sometimes saying “He did NOT just say that did he?”
I was impressed by your response and explanation- I encourage you to check out more of his work…The song “Christmas in Capetown” will definitely make an impression….One thing I have always liked about his songs is that he shows that everyone is human with human problems…even racists are people….it’s very easy to get angry about hatred and narrow-mindedness. I do. But I also feel sorry for people like that. It’s VERY easy to listen to his music and assume he is a racist. But if you listen closely, think, and try to empathize with the characters I think you will see he is a powerful voice against racism….and stupidity in general.
You haven’t listened to “Rednecks” either. The last verse, about how people are “free to live in a cage” in Norhtern ghettos demonstrates genuine fury at racism. But he’s intelligent, and knows how art works. Not everyone is or does.
Yes yes Randy Newman is the Shakespeare of our time. Muzak will be taught in future universities as the height of artistry blah blah.
Randy Newman is a gifted popular lyricist and highly competent orchestrator. His talent is at the upper end of craftsmanship. Muzak is taught at universities now as a business case study – the firm has gone bust. Noone is the Shakespeare of our time. Do you like music? Who do you like?
Intelligent conversation is only possible amongst intelligent people; remove the intelligent element from either one and their marriage becomes a disaster. Once someone has suggested that Randy Newman is talented it is time for Intelligence withdraw–to reason with such a person becomes a waste of time.
as a African-American and japanese girl i believe that Randy Newman is a racist.I have lived through cruelty my whole life being told what to do because the color of my skin.Yes,indeed he is talented but he has no right to be racist.what does the color of our skinn have to do with anything.Have you seen the movie Blind Side how they help that poor black boy.that is how whites see us as poor and dirty.but im living rich!!
they think we should be in cages huh? might not agree with but remember im only 12 years old and im just as open minded as an adult.
I guess you’re not as capable of understanding IRONY as an adult, carmilla. Randy Newman’s songs have used satire to CONDEMN racism and prejudice on numerous occasions.
And The Blind Side was just White Hollywood making another White Hollywood film about racism. Note that the lead in the film is white, not black…as is the case with most Hollywood films about racism. Even Cry Freedom, in which Denzel Washington turned in a beautiful performance as Stephen Biko, a real-life anti-apartheid activist who was murdered by South African police in 1977. Who was the lead in that movie? Washington? No…whiteboy Kevin Kline.
Spike Lee makes real films about racism, without white liberal pandering. The Blind Side is a joke.