Pseudo-Intellectual Deviant Thinks Red Alerts “Stalks” Him … By Ignoring His Site

Occidental Dissent is one of those White Nationalist sites with pretensions. Run by the kind of bar stool academics who think the term “Patriotard” is the height of wit, most of the posts there are recycled David Duke speeches merged with teeny bopper Emo-douchery like this criticism of the Bible which may have been provocative in freshman English but falls far short of the kind of intellectual rigor required to effect the “White racial and cultural preservation” that the site claims is as its mission.

The now defunct Nazi/pedophile chatroom Civic Platform or the hate fest at VNN are more interesting examples of the kind of criminal element that infests racist circles, so even were I of a mind to “stalk” neo-Nazis Occidental Dissent would likely be far down on my list of sites to check in on. That fact however doesn’t seem to keep me from the minds, lips and keyboards of the frustrated deviants who post to that sad site between ogling Prussian Blue album covers and masturbating to the opening scene of American History X. Recently I was bemused to find a link to Red Alerts on this post discussing some people and situations that I have never heard of (some douche named Guy White and his lover’s spat with Prozium of Occidental Dissent) where Prozuim claimed I “stalked” him and other members of the “Pro-White blogoshere” on my blog.

Mainly by ignoring them for months on end.

I assume that Prozium, who I’m told was indeed involved with other sites I laughed about online, is not getting enough attention so he wanted to throw in a link to Red Alerts for a quick mention. Unfortunately for him Academy Sports just opened a store near me so for the last couple of days I was comatose after an ecstatic ammo hoarding spree. So here’s a belated mention for you to pound one out to.

This is also a quick post to let you know that you ladies can handle your business sans me. Maybe when you’re not an online circle jerk for Nazi fetishists I’ll take you seriously.

18 thoughts on “Pseudo-Intellectual Deviant Thinks Red Alerts “Stalks” Him … By Ignoring His Site

  1. Rob Taylor,

    Prozium, sounds like he’s incredibly self absorbed, in addition to being a racist hatemonger.

  2. bazooka,

    Rob Taylor has had pictures of black women on his site, just because he doesn’t have any at this moment doesn’t mean he never has.

  3. Plus, I don’t remember any off hand, but I’m certain he has a few pictures of black women that go along with some of his older articles.

  4. Bazooka, if you’re referring to the ads in the sidebar, those images are automatically served by the ad company, not handpicked by Rob. There are pictures of both men and women of various races and ethnicities throughout Red Alerts. Whatever point you’re trying to make is absurd.

  5. “Tila tequila’s skin is white, therefore she is white.”

    Well argued.

    So why do you hate White women anyway?

  6. “So why do you hate White women anyway?”

    I don’t, I hate black men men who think it is alright to rape and exploit white women. Like yourself.

    Ever heard of emmit till?

  7. Well I’m bi-racial and not a rapist so that’s a strike. But since you also posted on Red Alerts before under the handle “RZ” on this post about the Duke University molestation case proving Pedophilia was not a valid sexual orientation this defense of raping children:

    “I am not a pedophile apologist nor am I a pedophile activist of any sort, I just believe that pedophilia is not what the mainstream media and the general public think it is. I guess I feel this way because I am not some blind sheep following the herd, I am actually capable of thinking for myself.

    I believe that the vast majority of heterosexual men have an attraction to prepubescent and pubescent girls, they just cannot bring themselves to accept it. Girllove has always been common, just look at Japan and the girl modeling industry in eastern europe.”

    Isn’t it you that is the exploiter of women, or more specifically little girls?

  8. Rob, I’m sorry but you’ve got some of the goddamned stupidest motherfuckers posting on this site that I’ve ever read in my life, and by God that’s saying something. Number one, there’s only one way a blog owner can control the content of the ads that appear on his site, and that’s by not running them. Once he runs them, they pretty much are out of his control. Anybody with the brain the size of a fucking marble ought to be able to figure that out.

    Number two, for the god damned crown jewel of motherfucking stupidity, what in the god damned motherfucking hell does Emmett Till have to do with
    “black men men who think it is alright to rape and exploit white women.”

    Emmett Till was a young teenage boy who was brutally beaten, mutilated and murdered because he flirted with a white woman. WTF? When I read shit like this I start to think we ought to go back to the god damned days when people had to pass some kind of literacy test before they could vote, or for that matter before they could open their damned mouths about anything.

    I’m sorry, but when I read shit like this from these kinds of ass hats, I start to think Hitler might not have had such a bad idea, if he had just chosen different victims.

    God damn, I’ve read it all now.

    I’ve got a complaint Rob, one of the women on your ads has her arm held up to plainly reveal she has shaved her arm puts. I resent this kind of objectification of women as creatures who should be obliged to shave their natural body hairs for the satisfaction of the patriarchy, and I demand you take that sexist picture off of these ads on your site.

    God damn stupid motherfuckers.

  9. You know the Emmet Till reference slipped by me because I was too bemused by the fact that this poster was a pervert coming back to raise hell after being called out. I guess that was my nteenth death threat from some douche.

    You’d be surprised how many people, not just trolls, who have no idea how ads work on the web. I bowed out of the counter jihad movement after one of the main organizations asked me to remove the ads before they linked to me, because “esteemed” members might be offended.

    As for the underarm hair-I wasn’t aware women could grow any! Kinky. I’m going to find some “hirsute” ads for my “natural’ woman loving readers right now!

  10. Rob Taylor,

    As far as I’m concerned you are still part of the counter Jihad movement, because you are standing up to the Jihadists, and unlike some people, will not back down.

  11. I would also point out that conservatives do their cause no good by kow-towing to the holier-than-thou element who just can’t be bothered to give the time of day to people who don’t share their so-called moral values in every regard. Conservatives are on the ropes enough these days as it is, they don’t need to be alienating potential allies because of some relatively minor issue that might offend someone’s sensibilities. That’s an example of conservative political correctness, and its every bit as potentially abusive as the left-wing variety.

    Also, I have to ask, is Bazooka Joke the “intellectual” you referred to in the post title? Even adding the word “pseudo” does little to lessen the irony of such an assessment.

  12. Damien- Thanks. I’ve been getting more involved with Atlas and Jihad Watch so I was testing the waters. It’s just hard to find groups that don’t devolve into in-fighting these days.

    Patrick- I agree but at the time I had three blogs and didn’t have the time to argue with these people. I was in NYC at the time and was friendly with Pam Hall (who’s an awesome anti-Jihad organizer) but certain groups wanted to form so sort of coalition under their umbrella and at its core Red Alerts is part of my business, thus another minor but significant difference between big C Conservatism and Republicanism worked to break up a movement because a certain segment of Social Cons are extremely squeaky wheels.

    And Bazooka might be the guy, but my post was about this Nazi who calls himself “prozium” over at Occidental Dissent. It is suspicious how Bazooka/RZ decided to return with some hateful racism right after that though so who knows.

  13. Almost none of the Bloggers or Commentariat at Occidental Dissent are National Socialists! Generally speaking most users are are White Nationalists but there are some Third Positionists there as well.

    You are like a paranoid Jew who sees a Nazi behind every Tree!, Oh no, there is one up on the roof!

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