Leftist hack Keith Olbermann is scrambling to put a positive spin on a recent Page Six item detailing porn star/Republican activist Mary Carey‘s assertions that an overly amorous Olbermann left a “rambling message” on her answering machine asking her out on date. She rebuffed him, supposedly because she had a boyfriend at the time. Having a boyfriend stopped a porn star from going out with a guy, not said guy’s awkward creepy personality.
Olby, who is reportedly dating a woman young enough to be his daughter, released his version of the story which he hoped would make him look less like a pathetic, lonely weirdo and more like the “huge star” he is: Mary Carey called him, and he rebuffed her!
Comically childish and straining the credulity of even the most rabid Olbermann fan, Keith’s story claims that he was just sitting at home, minding his own business when a porn star he barely knows gives him a booty call because, you know, who better to warm your bed if you’re a porn star then a doughy, arrogant failure who hosts a show with abysmal ratings. What girl could resist the charms of a racist hack who will say anything to get the hard left to support his show so he can stay on the air? Why wouldn’t Mary Carey, a porn star celebrity who could pick a sex buddy from dozens of hot, Hollywood beefcake types, want to give herself to the great Keith Olbermann?
Are we really to believe that Olbermann got a call from a beautiful woman with, shall we say, an open attitude toward sex and he brushed her off? How exactly did Carey get his phone number unless he gave to to her, and why would he give her the digits (as we used to say) if he didn’t want to “go out?” Something about Olbermann’s story doesn’t add up.
Jawa’s as skeptical as I am and Olbermann Watch has a fisking of Olby’s story on their site.
Carey has another message for Olby, and I think she speaks for all of us:
Well said Mary. Well said.