Pedophile Uses World of Warcraft to “Steal” 15-Year-old Girl


Story is from Australia, where attempting to lure an underage girl into your “lair” (i.e. mother’s basement) is called Child Stealing. Here we just call it being a pervert. But really who’d have thought that an online fantasy world where strangers would interact with teens would attract pedophiles?

A MAN who convinced a 15-year-old girl he met on the Internet to fly to Melbourne and meet him has been convicted of child stealing.

Anthony Taylor, 31, of Horsham, sent sexual messages to the Tasmanian girl while they engaged in the multi-player online game World of Warcraft.

As the relationship grew the pair also spoke on the telephone.

When the girl’s father found out about the relationship he confronted Taylor on the game telling him he would kill him if he touched the girl.

Go dad. But a little thing like getting caught sending obscene messages to a teen isn’t going to stop Anthony “Orclord” Taylor. He sent the girl a plane ticket and cab fare to come live with him. Clearly it wasn’t the girl waiting for him at the airport. When the cops picked him up he said he thought the girl’s age would be “a bit of a problem.”

Surprise! He’s done this before:

The court was told Taylor has previously been found guilty of having a relationship with a girl under 16 whose child he fathered.

He is currently in a relationship with a 27-year-old woman from the US whom he met online.

In sentencing Taylor Judge Susan Pullen said it was “troubling” Taylor had again become involved with a girl under 16.

“The facts in this case are disturbing,” Judge Pullen said.

“It (the previous conviction) should have brought home to you that you should not be having any relationship with any child under 16 in a sexual way.”

That 26-year-old must be quite a catch, or the luckiest girl in the world. Maybe he didn’t learn his lesson because of the light sentences perverts get when caught in Australia. He was given a seven month “non-custodial” sentence. Which I believe means he won’t be in jail.

h/t Ripten