Nerd porn celebutard and noted deep thinker Olivia Munn is an attractive woman, but I’ve always felt guilty looking at her since she’s clearly mentally challenged. Doubleplusundead has posted this video of her dressed in a Sailor Moon outfit murdering Bone-Thugs and Harmony classic Crossroads.
As an aside, anyone who has ever typed “HAWT” on a description of a video should be set on fire.
On paper it seems like a scene designed to make White folk look bad (which it does) but at the end of her rhythmless recitation when her cameraman yells “Yay!”and her eyes light up like a Special Olympian who just got his participation award I realized that she really had no idea how pitiful this is, and the folks at Doupleplusundead and anyone else who encourages her should be ashamed of themselves.
Let her keep a little dignity. By the gods just because she’s an alcoholic cable show “celebrity” doesn’t mean we shouldn’t respect her.
It’s odd that she’s anti-war since I heard she was special forces. Oh, wait, that was very special forces. Yay!
W.. T .. F .. w a s … t h a t … O_O