New York Looking to Make Videos of Crime Illegal

You know, because the crimes on the video may not be illegal enough:

ALBANY, N.Y. — A proposal in New York would make a felony of committing violent acts for display on Internet video sites.

The state Senate’s Republican majority on Tuesday is expected to introduce a bill that would make a felony of violent acts like the brutal beating of a girl in Florida and subsequent attack of a 12-year-old in Indiana.

The measure is also aimed at animal attacks and “bum hunts” in which homeless people are attacked or paid to fight each other on video.

I foresee some problems with the law. Would “attacks on animals” include hunting videos? Then would those early morning hunting and fishing shows be technically illegal?

And why would a violent act sans video tape be considered less egregious than one that was filmed? Why should the reason some miscreant attacks an innocent person be factored into how we judge them? Unless there are true extenuating circumstances, like someone raped your child, I don’t see how the intent of a violent assault factors into our ideal of a even handed justice.

Trench brings up another good point in his post on this on Vicetube:

While you’re at it New York why don’t you make confessions to the police illegal as well.

The dumbasses who post these videos are incriminating themselves and providing police with the evidence they need.

It’s almost like the people pushing this law just don’t want to see the videos. Out of sight out of mind I guess. That’s how New York is run unfortunately, which I one of the reasons I moved.