Natalie Dylan May Have Chosen the Wrong Career


A little levity in these dark times. The above is apparently one Natalie Dylan who made headlines when she decided to fund her Masters Degree by selling off her virginity. At this point the bids on her auction have supposedly hit 3.7 million dollars. Her sister funded her own degree by hooking, a word Natalie shies away from using in the reports.

The funny thing about this story is that Natalie’s chosen field for her studies is Family and Marriage Therapy. That’s right. A woman who thinks hooking online and meeting some strange man for sex is perfectly acceptable will then advise couples and families on how to run their relationships. Is this irony?

As an aside though an attractive woman by any standard is she 3.7 Million dollars attractive?


I’m voting no.

4 thoughts on “Natalie Dylan May Have Chosen the Wrong Career

  1. Well …. I’m not really sure where to begin. Um … Okay, well, let’s not forget the Geisha, Rob. Never dare call a Geisha a hooker or a whore. You’ll get slapped silly with a fan! (lol)

    In all seriousness, I don’t see where it’s anyone’s business, though I see your point about her career choice. However, that, too, depends upon how she plans on using her doctorate. She could be going for couple’s sex therapy. She could make an excellent therapist when it comes to bedroom advice. She is exerting her feminine sexuality, and she has every right to do so. I believe her to be an excellent model for strong and independent women.

    I think in your anger over her willingness to sell herself (and her dignity, which I abhor so don’t misunderstand), you miss a key issue here: She is in her early 20’s and still a virgin! She must be doing something right in her life.

    As for the price, well, she has something most hetero men want: beauty and innocence. She has it, they want it, there you have the price. And I rather think she is gorgeous. Damn, I would love to have a body like hers! I, also, notice she’s not really showing much for those to be sexy pictures. More like she is being instructed by the photographer to do what she seems not to be comfortable doing on a daily basis, but nothing even close to the images in your sidebar. So, she has some bit of self-respect there.

    Let me put it this way: It’s her virginity. It’s her first sexual experience. If she wants to sell it so she can get an education to better man(and woman)kind, it’s her right.

    Would I do it? No, but I have a different set of self-imposed standards than her, obviously. Doesn’t mean I have the right to tell her she is wrong for how she chooses to spend her first time with a man. I envy her for even being able to have that choice. That was taken from me, so I support any woman’s personal preference for however they wish to share their virginity. It’s her body. No one else’s. It’s her virginity. No one has the right to tell her how she should lose it.

    Kudos to her for exerting her power and retaining full control over that which so many of us have had stolen. The men who pay to have her virginity are pathetic, and she is taking their prized possession – money – with her virginity just as men with their mindset about women take a young girl’s prized possession – her virginity. It’s a beautiful reversal.

    And before you say it, which is a very valid argument, the safety concerns do worry me. I am sure, however, a woman with her intelligence would have the state of mind to have any man she considers thoroughly checked out. I don’t see her as a typical online imbecile and predator bait.

  2. I bet the guys bidding on Natalie would get more bang for their buck with this.

    But seriously, doesn’t this virginity auction thing scream publicity stunt? Natlie Dylan saw all the attention Ashley Dupré got, and she’s hoping she’ll get her big break (or at least her 15 minutes.) She’s young and starry-eyed and doesn’t realize that at best, her big break will be a reality show with Trishelle and the Coreys.

    BTW, American Viking, I’ve never met an American man who actually finds innocence and virginity beguiling (at least, not any man under the age of 50 or so.) It’s only the dysfunctional and depraved who believe that women’s worth is directly related to whether their vajayjays have been claimed or conquered or spoiled. I would argue that healthy men couldn’t care less about so-called purity.

  3. $3.7mill says there are quite a few, Jenn. 😉

    Men like experience but they also like, um, how do I put this without being vulgar? The “physical” feeling of virginity. The fact an actual virgin is being so open and carefree with what she has to offer is what is making her so attractive. She’s not shy about it and is eager for it to happen. They are willing to pay for all of that.

    We all have our desires and what turns us on. Unless someone is being hurt, laws aren’t being broken, and children or otherwise mentally inadequate people aren’t involved, those are our rights. I’ve been called some pretty nasty names for my fantasies, even though the only fault those desires have is not being “christian”. Gays are said to be an abomination going straight to hell. Men who choose to wait for marriage are said to either be gay or “not right”. Women who choose to explore their sexuality outside the realm of marriage are called whores.

    It’s perfectly healthy for a man to want the feeling of being with a virginal woman, just as it’s perfectly healthy for a woman to want to be with a well-endowed man. Of course, men who desire so just for the mentality of an innocent woman so they can mold her to their liking and take advantage of her naivete are jerks. In this case, though, I don’t see a woman anyone needs to worry about being the victim of a broken heart in this particular endeavor. LOL

  4. I agree with your second comment American V. Some guys are into the being the 1st and there are some that really give a rat ass about it (or a least that is what they say). Well, every head is a world and she is in hers….

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