Meagan McCormick Pulls the Worst Scam Ever


Meagan McCormic was arrested after police learned that she filed a false report with police claiming her child had been abducted. It turns out McCormick never had a child to begin with:

Meagan McCormic told police that a baby sitter never returned her 6-month old son Riley Buchness, but police said Friday that McCormic was lying and used the fake existence of the baby to lure an ex-boyfriend from Boston to Miami to meet his supposed son. A judge set bond at $500 for McCormic Friday afternoon on a misdemeanor charge of filing a false police report. She remains behind bars at the Miami-Dade County Jail.

Miami Police Det. Freddy Ponce said McCormic made up the story about her missing 6-month old son Riley, to cover up the fact that she had a miscarriage in March. She reportedly didn’t want her ex-boyfriend, John Buchness, to know the truth.

Detectives say she went through great lengths to make her story believable, buying baby clothes and sending herself text messages from a second phone, pretending to be the kidnapping nanny.

“Through many hours of investigation and interviews with the mother, the fact is that the baby never existed,” said Detective Ponce. “I think the lies have been mounting up on her since day one, since she fabricated this information.”

Detective Ponce explained that when Buchness came to town from Boston for the holidays to visit McCormic and his son, she made up the story about the baby disappearing with a nanny. Trouble is, police say, there was no baby and there was no nanny.

What a moron. Have fun in jail Meagan.

h/t Trench

Update. Here’s video of the story:

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