Kosher Salt a Little Too “Jewy” for Joe Godlewski


Full disclosure: I am a big fan of Kosher salt, especially for keeping meat dishes from sticking to pans and it really keeps meat from drying out if you use it in a rub. If you are interested in such things, Kosher salt can be and is used in purification, banishment and exorcism rituals in many occult traditions. It also comes in nifty cylindrical cans that are easy to use and store. Thus I have about half a dozen Kosher salts in the cupboard at any one time, and have no qualms using it.

Neo-Nazis and Aztlan supporters have spent the last few years whining effeminately about kosher practices and how we all secretly are forced to eat Kosher food by the evil Jewish conspiracy (which can magically produce Kosher pork products and shellfish) and now thanks to retired barber Joe Godlewski they have an alternative:

Retired barber Joe Godlewski says he was inspired by television chefs who repeatedly recommended kosher salt in recipes.

“I said, ‘What the heck’s the matter with Christian salt?'” Godlewski said, sipping a beer in the living room of his home in unincorporated Cresaptown, a western Maryland mountain community.

By next week, his trademarked Blessed Christians Salt will be available at, the Web site of Memphis, Tenn.-based seasonings manufacturer Ingredients Corporation of America.

It’s sea salt that’s been blessed by an Episcopal priest, ICA President Damon S. Arney said Wednesday. He said the company also hopes to market the salt through Christian bookstores and as a fundraising tool for religious groups.

Arney and Godlewski, 73, said a share of the proceeds will be donated to Christian charities, but neither would specify a percentage.

Since it’s blessed by an Episcopalian it’s really only nominally Christian. But like many anti-Kosher activists Godlewski seems to not understand exactly what Kosher salt is:

Rabbi Sholem Fishbane, kosher administrator for the Chicago Rabbinical Council, said marketing Christian salt as an alternative to kosher salt reflects, at best, ignorance about Jewish dietary laws. He said all salt is inherently kosher because it occurs naturally and requires little or no processing.

Certified kosher foods are not blessed by rabbis but examined by them to ensure that the food and its processing conform with Biblical passages regarding food preparation and consumption, Fishbane said.

He said coarse-grained kosher salt is named for the way in which it was traditionally used – to draw blood from freshly butchered meat, because Jewish law prohibits consuming blood. Chefs often favor kosher salt because it’s crunchy and easy to pinch.

The difference between Kosher salt and regular table salt is basically that Kosher salt is untreated and not processed. That’s it. No blessings go into it.

But hey, don’t think ol’ Joe is some Jew hater. The article ends with this quote:

Godlewski makes his aim clear: “There’s no anti-Semitism. I love Jesus Christ and he was a Jew.”

Right. There’s no anti-Semitism involved in Christians not wanting to use Kosher salt. Of course. Why would anyone think that at all?

Pandagon says this is another example of Episcopalian fundamentalism, not lefty Jew hatred at all.

h/t Jenn Q Public

Update: Jesse Taylor of Pandagon (who is not related to me I would point out) doesn’t understand my last “paragraph”so I’ll clarify.The Episcopalian church is a liberal denomination that has bent over backward to reach out to people like him and his pet racist harpy Amanda Marcotte. Thus they have women clergy, gay clergy, in one case Muslim clergy and have participated in many anti-Israel pro-Palestinian movements. Just like Pandagon!

Because the Episcopalian church is the American arm of the Anglican church pro-sharia Arch-bishop of Canterbury Rowan Atkinson is technically an Episcopalian. His glad handing of Jew hating Jihadis and supporting a parallel justice system to undermine Western civilization  is something you no doubt approve of and something people like Godlewski end up supporting since it ghettoizes Muslim women. I hear he doesn’t like their salt either.

That one of their clergy is involved in this anti-Semitic nonsense indicates that Godlewski himself is an Episcopalian. Since they trend socially liberal he must be one of yours.

Update: I meant Rowan Williams above. Good catch Dodiafae.

14 thoughts on “Kosher Salt a Little Too “Jewy” for Joe Godlewski

  1. ROFLMAO! “What the heck’s the matter with Christian salt?” OMG! LOL!!! I laughed so hard reading this, I coughed for nearly 20 minutes of this chest cold that won’t leave me alone… But it was worth it! These people and their ignorance makes better stand up than Comedy Central. I mean, you can’t WRITE this crap! It’s hilarious!

  2. I just read the article at Pandagon, and if it’s true this guy is planning the same move with rye bread, pickles, etc …, he needs some serious deprogramming and a repeat of grades 3-12! What a jackass! I found this hysterically funny at first, but thinking about it and seeing how he’s turning out an actual chain of products like this, it’s quite obvious this will start other ill-bred idiots to see the same imbecilic translation as he has with the term “kosher”. And thus a widespread call for “Christian” foods, rallies to conserve Christian produce at markets, and an all out supermarket war against “Jewish” foods taking over our country. …… WTF?!?!?!? Someone please take away the sacremental wine!!!

  3. I don’t understand how anyone in good concsience can choose Hamas and Iran over Jews and Israel. Especially those who call themselves Christian.

  4. I should add that the National Socialist movement in Germany used “animal welfare” laws to attack kosher practices of Judaism. The complaint of kosher tradition among social Jewish Conservatives and Orthodox alike seem to fit on their anti-Semitic agenda.

    Animal welfare laws in general seem to just be a stealth form of that without the anti-Semitic BS.

  5. I’m guessing that the reference to Rowan Atkinson was meant as a humorous reference to this skit? (Gotta admit, I’m a fan of The Blackadder.)

    My brother, who is not Jewish, eats Kosher because it’s what the bible says is the proper way to eat. Any Christian who *really* wants to follow scripture will not eat “bottom feeders” (shellfish of any kind, catfish, etc.) because they are unclean, as is any pork product. This, of course, goes against everything that Southern (esp. Bible Belt) Christians hold near and dear in their diet, so there is no reason for them to pay attention to this part of the bible. Anyone who wants to argue about it, get back to me after you’ve gone back and read it (and pay attention!) and I’ll be happy to discuss it.

    Sorry, I’ve apparently still got a few minor irritations to deal with when it comes to how some (not all, by any means) Christians choose to translate their book. Too many focus on the stories in the old testament, but not the actual teachings. They don’t appreciate that some Jews do a better job of translating (hell, the original documents were in their language) and following the teachings of the old testament than do many Christians. And too many Christians focus more on the old testament than the new, which doesn’t make much sense to me, either.

    Please don’t take this as Christian-bashing… I’m only bashing those ass-backwards folk who, while they say the words, seem to forget in their hearts that Jesus was a Jew. He was not a Christian, those were his followers. He was a Jew, meaning he was Jewish. So all those Jew-hating Christians are actually hating on their Messiah. Ass-backwards. Maybe they aught to go back and re-read HIS teachings.

  6. I’ve never talked to my grandfather about this but if this is something that he wants to do and it makes him happy then go for it.

    By saying rude things about him and judging him that makes all of you just as bad as you are perceiving him to be.

    Next time you want to say something negative about somebody else take a step back and look in the mirror. I PROMISE none of you are perfect.

  7. I’m perfect. I’m also not a moron who thinks Kosher salt is different than the natural salts found in organic groceries.

    Now I think Americans need more iodized salt in their diets because not having the iodine causes goiters, but your grandfather is basically a Jew hating douchebag. I agree that if people want to be Jew hating douches it’s their right, but no one has the right to not be criticized for their douchebaggery.

  8. Have you ever met him? Or talked to him? How do you have any right to judge somebody if you have never met them?

    Oh, and you are definitely NOT perfect.

    Only Jesus and God would fall under that category, but by reading the ugly words you used in your last comment, Rob, I can assume you don’t know either one of them.

    I will pray for you, my grandfather, and whoever else that needs me too.

    Rob, I hope you have a blessed day and next time try not to use such profanity in your writing. Nobody I know would ever take you seriously.

  9. Yes I have every right to judge a person by their activities and actions. We all have the right to do what we want, but know one has the right to not be judged by others, to not have others form opinions about them based on their public activities.

    But I need not tell you that. If I may paraphrase William F. Buckley, I will not insult your intelligence by pretending you believe what you just said.

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