Heroic Teen Girl Saves Busload of Children, Punishment Ensues

15 year old Amanda Rouse felt ill on her way to school so she asked to stay on the bus as it made its elementary school route so the driver could drop her off back home. The kindly driver agreed, luckily it turns out as the driver was incapacitated in an accident. As the driverless bus lurched out of control, slamming into parked cars while the terrified children sat helpless, Amanda leapt into action and safely parked the bus saving all within.

As a reward she was handed a detention slip by her school:

15-year-old Marina High School student, Amanda Rouse, felt ill on her way to school last Wednesday morning, and decided to stay on her bus as it picked up elementary school students. The driver would take her home after the elementary route was finished.

However, by doing this, she didn’t follow proper procedure for leaving school grounds with her illness (checking out at the office, getting parent approval, etc.).

While the bus was driving the elementary route, the driver fell out of her seat at a sharp turn, and struck her head. The bus veered to the side and began hitting parked cars.

Rouse immediately jumped into action, hopped in the driver’s seat, applied the brakes and brought the bus to a safe stop.

So what does the school district do in response to this heroic act? Rouse was slapped with a weekend detention for ‘cutting class.’

There was of course an outcry which caused the school to come around and admit the girl’s a hero, but they still haven’t rescinded the detention.


2 thoughts on “Heroic Teen Girl Saves Busload of Children, Punishment Ensues

  1. Well you know what they say-no good deed goes unpunished. It is appalling after her heroic deed that they couldn’t see past her so called indiscretion. This doesn’t sound like a girl who normally cuts class. Yet they give her a week’s detention.Way to go Scrooge…oops Marina High!

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