Europe Claims Pollution is Deadlier than Car Wrecks

Europe Says Pollutions Deadlier than Car Wrecks

Leftist nonsense in its purest form. Car wrecks are of course deadlier than me throwing a bag of McDonalds out my car window, but the narrative of the left is designed to give them the totalitarian power, including the power to treat littering as worse than murder, so we get tortured logic and the minimizing of the pain and suffering of car crash victims.

From Reuters (where else):

LONDON (Reuters) – Air pollution has cut the average life expectancy of Europeans by nearly a year and contributes to the premature deaths of hundreds of thousands of people annually, the European Environment Agency said on Wednesday.

More than 100 million people in the region encompassing 53 countries also lack access to safe drinking water, a problem most acute in rural areas, the group which compiles data for the European Union said in a report.

Levels of air pollution reduce life expectancy by as much as two years in the most affected areas of Belgium, the Netherlands, northern Italy and parts of Poland and Hungary, the report said.

“Poor air quality is still causing hundreds of thousands of premature deaths in Europe every year and continues to damage crops and ecosystem health,” the report said.

“The estimated annual loss of life is significantly greater than that due to car accidents.”

Some 870 million people live in the region, more than half in western and central Europe, the report said.

Air pollution cuts a whole two years off people’s lives in some undisclosed way we should just take their word for. Odd. No mention of increased cancer rates in the article, no mention of asthma, just an assertion that two years are cut off everyone’s life by pollution.

I wonder what the report really says. Because I’m thinking it doesn’t say being torn asunder in a high speed auto wreck is better than 89 year olds not making it to 91. But maybe it does, those wacky Europeans see things a bit differently than the rest of us.

Before I get any complaints, the above still is from a movie called Zombie Hunter. We don’t do snuff here.