Hot Air pointed this one out, a simple little diary that claims “Jesus was a Community Organizer” that has almost 400 positive comments. Often my Wiccan compatriots and fellow Pagans will decry the “wingnut” obsession with politicizing Jesus but they’re awfully silent now.
Aside from a complete oversimplification of what Christians believe the role of Jesus Christ in the world was this “Jesus was a community organizer” potential meme illustrates something about the left in this country that we who follow our own paths need to keep in mind. Leftism is a new religion and like any new religion it is happy to adopt bits and pieces of other religions and reinterpret them. This is what has happened to Wicca, which all Wiccans will admit is completely different than Gardner’s vision of the religion.
Wiccans and other Pagans have seemed to have found a home, for now, in the Democrat party. But when Jesus becomes more in vogue with the Dem on the street, or Islam, just where will these pagans find themselves in the hierarchy of the party?
It’s time to rethink lock step following of parties and decide what party, if any, is better for pagans. Me I like my Jesus freaks to support low taxes and my right to own a gun. At least then I don’t have to worry about how I get treated or being dependent on them. What about you?
I’m no Christian, but I’m sure Jesus Christ himself would be tired of always being used in this manner for a political win.
That’s my point. Just a couple of years ago i remember DailyKos getting hammered for weird anti-Christian posts they had up, now suddenly the sites full of devout evangelicals. I just hate the hypocrisy. I’ve supported my Christian friends when they were being crucified (no pun intended) by the left and Dailykos never minded the smears on them, or Jews or any other religion except radical Islam.
Well this “Jesus” is the false Jesus of Liberation Theology.
That same theology being taught in that black supremacist “church” Mr.Obama attends, but there they’ve added Black to Liberation Theology.
It’s clear this is approved of by these people because it is a Jesus of their own invention, not the Son of God King of Kings Jesus of the Holy Bible.
Liberation Theology is a Marxist invention.
It’s a poor invention to sucker in the most gullible pseudo Christians to their cause.
And about guns, remember that the Apostles wore swords for their protection.
Interesting blog by the way, lots of interesting posts.
That’s a good point. DailyKos’ Jesus is just the precursor to Obama and a rhetorical device to prove progressivism is good.
I just want a government that actually abides, and makes the citizens of this country abide, by the Constitution and Amendments. Like the one about Freedom of Religion. No, it does NOT mean only Christians get rights (and now Muslims). It means everyone has the right to be who they choose and worship as they choose …. without being harassed for wearing symbols religious fanatics and ignorant creedists swear are signs of some horned mythical creature, and without being pressured into following religious tributes that are not their own.
Speaking of which: Halloween is coming soon. Time once again for the half-dozen bible thumpers in our neighborhood – always in different places (sneaky bastards) – to slip into our kids’ bags candy stapled to those pamphlets that read “Your mommy and daddy are going to hell for celebrating Satan’s Holiday! Repent! Repent! Repent!”