But Pot Doesn’t Hurt Anyone! Except Sabrina Mills’ Son

After a long night of getting high and playing video games how can we fascists expect Sabrina Mills to then watch her two-year-old son? Can’t we just be cool?

From Keizertimes.com:

A Dallas woman was arrested Monday, June 30, after her two-year-old son was found wandering alone in an east Keizer neighborhood.

Keizer Police said the young boy, whose name is being withheld by the Keizertimes, was found walking alone in the 1900 block of Brandon Avenue NE. Keizer Police Capt. John Teague said officers theorize the boy escaped where he and his mother were staying through a window, but said they weren’t sure exactly how the child got out.

In any case, Teague said the boy appeared to be in fine medical condition, and officers don’t know how long the boy had been outside.

“We have no idea whether he’d been out since the night before, for a couple of hours or only a couple of minutes,” Teague said.

Police did not know where to find the boy’s parents. A national organization for locating missing children as well as parents of found children – A Child is Missing – blanketed the immediate surrounding area with phone calls. Police pounded on doors throughout the surrounding area.

Teague said it’s unusual for a child to go missing without hearing from the parents almost immediately.

“Typically if you find a missing child, or a lost child, in half and hour or 20 minutes Mom is frantically looking for him and it’s over and done with pretty quickly,” Teague said.

But this time was different. Police knocked on doors for about four hours before finally making contact with the boy’s mother at a house police had already visited.

According to Teague, the mother “admitted she had smoked marijuana the night before and had stayed up into the early morning playing on the Internet, and … hadn’t heard the attempts to rouse her.”

One officer’s report remarked that the mother was “non-emotive about the situation, showed no concern about where her child was, and still seemed to be under the influence of … narcotics.”

I know, if we legalize pot then people like Sabrina Mills wouldn’t get high and allow her two-year-old son to wander the streets, and if she did she’d be able to show a little emotion about the fact that her son could have died or been abducted by a child rapist. Because legalizing pot would magically make pot smokers good parents and productive citizens.

Thanks to SoUncool at the Dreamin’ Demon forums.

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