Beware The Chicken Bomber

A small town in Connecticut is the scene of a crime most foul:

SIMSBURY – Police are investigating a most unusal bomb scare – a bomb stuffed in a roaster.

A motorist on Powder Forest Drive Friday morning noticed what looked like a whole chicken – the kind bought at grocery stores for roasting – with a pipe bomb stuffed inside, police said.

When they arrived on the scene around 9 a.m. officers found the roaster had an improvised explosive device where the fowl’s innards should have been.

They closed the road for part of the morning as the Hartford Police Department’s bomb squad was called to detonate the device, police said.

In its recent history, Simsbury and local residents have had their problems with hungry black bears, roaming coyotes and escapee emus. Now town folks can add store-bought chicken, stuffed with a bomb, to the list of odd animal incidents.

With the chicken and bomb taken care of, police are left to investigate who’s responsible for the strange incident.

Police Capt. Matthew Catania would not describe the bomb, but said it was “capable of causing harm to a person.”

A chicken bomber!?! Well done Connecticut! This is crime blogging gold! Red Alerts has an exclusive mock up of what Simsbury police believe the bomber looks like:


If you see this guy, call the cops. And do not approach him, especially if he’s carrying a chicken.