A.N.S.W.E.R. Front Group Spreads Communist Agi-Prop for Christmas

Just before Christmas I received an email fundraising letter from a Marxist anti-American group called Reclaim Democracy which begged for funds so that they can save me from Wal-Mart and evil corporations by hiring experienced CEOs:

Hello Friends of ReclaimDemocracy.org!

As we close another year, we’re pleased to tell you that, at
ReclaimDemocracy.org, the future has never been brighter.

Given what’s been happening in our country and, indeed, around the
world during the course of this decade, we wouldn’t blame you if you
consider us at best foolish and at worst demented to talk about a
bright future. However, we believe that history moves in cycles and
that, as the pendulum tilts ever more strongly in one direction, it’s
simply building momentum for a strong move in the other direction.
We’ve seen such blatant and calculated attacks on our democratic
principles recently that many more people than ever before are
outraged and ready to take action. And, as an organization, we’re
ready to take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity.


Perhaps most significant is that our organization has significantly
expanded its leadership team. Our Founder Jeff Milchen has added two
individuals experienced at administration of large organizations to
help service our growth. Jean-Pierre Swennen was a partner in a major
international law firm and lead counsel in major litigation and
investigations. Steve Spanier oversaw Cisco Systems’ worldwide
training and technical publications departments, administering an
annual budget of over $25 million and 220 employees. Jean-Pierre and
Steve will act as co-Executive Directors, concerning themselves with
the administrative operations and needs of the organization. Jeff
will focus on his specialties which include writing articles, giving
talks, and leading campaigns. All three will serve on the Board of
Directors. These personnel additions will greatly expand the
organization’s capacity to accomplish its goals.


We have exciting plans for ’08 as well. By the end of next year, we
expect to double the number of chapters, triple the number of members,
successfully complete one large activism campaign, add additional
national resources, and increase our name recognition in the
Democracy Movement in which we are already a leader.

It blathers on about evil corporations secretly controlling the world through their G.O.P. lackeys. They also sent a Word document detailing their key values and goals which include things like “democratizing the economy” and other Communist euphemisms for killing me and you and redistributing our property to their comrades.

Then of course they hit me up for money.

Two things amused me about the email that I’d like to share. The first being that the above plan of action all sounds very corporate. Not surprising since aside from being a Fascist (one who believes in a Socialist state with a strong religious backing) Steve Spanier spends his free time playing in charity golf tournaments where he rubs shoulders with evil faceless corporate overlords.

Jean-Pierre Swennen is more what one would expect having been involved in the “Noetic sciences” industry in the Newport Beach area, where he was also politically active. Parting lonely housefraus from their money in return for “stimulating” their “Limbic System” with “rivers of gratitude” doesn’t sound like a more moral way to make money than a big box, but I guess I’m just a corporate shill.

Or maybe this group of grifters collecting money over the Internet by regurgitating trendy lefty ideas is a *gasp* corporation, of a sort. Maybe they’re not a bunch of radicals fighting corporate overlords at all but a cheesy affiliate marketing campaign targeting left leaning Americans who will march in lockstep to the collection plate of any “anti-Corporate” organization and give them cash.

Which brings me to my second amusing point. I never signed up for their emails, in fact I never heard of them until today when I finally checked my accounts. The email account they set their missive to is, however, used to get updates from A.N.S.W.E.R.’s email list. So either A.N.S.W.E.R. which is an arm of the World Worker’s Party sold my email to Reclaim Democracy like a bunch of Capitalist pigs or Reclaim Democracy is in fact an A.N.S.W.E.R. front group. I’d like to see where all this money Reclaim Democracy ends up.

Either way it’s more something we would expect from an “evil” corporation like Wal-mart, I would think.