A.N.S.W.E.R. Claims the Governments Robot Bug Spies are Ruining Their Protests


And thus the World Worker’s Party learns that their is a down side to their recruiting methods. From the latest A.N.S.W.E.R. fund raising spam:

Today’s Washington Post carries a major article about the government’s creation of small flying surveillance devices that look somewhat like dragonflies. As the article below discusses, there have been credible independent reports about sightings at ANSWER’s recent September 15 mass March on Washington of 100,000 people. According to the article, the government has been working through many agencies to perfect this spy technology. As also mentioned below, the Partnership for Civil Justice has recently filed a series of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with different government agencies regarding use and deployment against the public.

Vanessa Alarcon, who was working backstage at the Lafayette Park rally, and who is quoted in today’s Washington Post article, reported that the strange-looking devices were hovering above the backstage area where speakers were waiting to take the stage and organizers were holding meetings in preparation for the mass march and die-in. Others reported that they saw the devices elsewhere at the demonstration.

The government’s efforts to surveille the growing movement against the war in the United States are neither new nor are they effective in preventing the antiwar movement from gaining momentum everywhere. The government fined ANSWER $40,000 for putting up antiwar posters, suppressed and arrested the speakers at a pre-march press conference, spent large amounts of money to mobilize right-wing pro-Bush supporters, and yet all of these efforts failed to stop an exceptionally powerful action from taking place on Sept. 15. The protest culminated in a die-in of thousands led by Iraq war veterans and 200 arrested by riot police.

Following September 15th, the ANSWER Coalition, along with other national and local coalitions and organizers from around the country, are mobilizing for October 27th regional actions. This will be another powerful sign that the antiwar movement is growing, not diminishing as claimed by the corporate-owned media.

While there are those who would like to dismiss the implications of such spying, the fact is that if the government is intentionally conducting secret photographic or audio surveillance targeting people because they are engaged in public protest and First Amendment-protected activities, this would be a significant constitutional rights violation.

While we do not know that such bizarre spy technology was deployed at the September 15 demonstration, if anyone saw these “dragonflies,” we’d like to hear from you.

Take a stand against government repression. Help this movement grow. We will not be intimidated. Please make an urgently needed donation today.

Uh, Yeah. What the Washington Post article referenced actually says is that the government is probably trying to build one but it’s a basically impossible feat, leaving the tech wizards employed by the D.O.D. to waste taxpayer money trying to make a fleet of borg moths. It uses the paranoid ramblings of the drugged up hippies who populate antiwar protests as a jumping off point.

The main problem with tiny insect robots is that you can’t simply shrink down a working robot, and actually dragonfly sized robots that work are years away, there is a 16 inch wingspan version sold as a toy.

What are the chances that some Alex Jones fans saw one of these babies and automatically assumed it was a C.I.A. spybot even though some kid was holding the remote control about 20 feet away?