Here’s a case of oppression you won’t see getting Pam Spaulding at Pam’s House Blend all hot and bothered, but why should the genocide of Black Africans and modern day slavery upset a Black feminist? I mean it’s only been going on for 50+ years.
The point Simon Deng makes about the Arabized government of Sudan exterminating Muslim tribes that have kept their own unique African culture (5:50) is one that should enrage all those leftists who rail against colonialism, but I have cash money that no lefty will ever decry the Islamic Imperialism and Arabization of of Black African cultures the way they scream about America’s evil attempts to give women equal rights in Afghanistan.
Just a short reminder that the Religion of Peace in it’s current un-reformed state offers peace only through acceptance of Arab cultural and racial superiority and complete submission to their medieval barbarism.