Obama Setting Up Israel for Second Holocaust

Do we have a moral responsibility to ensure a second Holocaust doesn’t happen? Liberals and Libertarians say we do not, but I wonder what they will say after the millions of Jews in Israel are dead? Some will cheer, but will the rest simply shrug their shoulders and carry on like they do while the genocide in Darfur (also perpetuated by Muslims) is ongoing?

From Dick Morris:


Atlas has analysis of Obama’s speech in Egypt, which was a rank betrayal of not just Israeli Jews but the thousands of Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and traditional religions that are being exterminated by Muslims as you read this.

Faith Freedom has an important piece called The Illusion of Reforming Islam that everyone should read.

Obama is making overtures to Hamas, which maintain as part of their charter the extermination of Jews not just in Israel, but worldwide.

Jihad Watch has analysis of Obama’s perfidy in Egypt.

Here’s Act for America founder and author of the magnificent book They Must be Stopped Brigitte Gabriel on the Jihad and Obama:


We on the right often say we stand with Israel. That will be put to the test sometime soon as a nuclear Iran forces Israel’s hand and starts a war in the middle east. Where will you stand when Israel is fighting for her life?