Muslim Racism on Display

Here’s a little bit of Muslim tolerance I found on my post about the Sandra Hall murder:

Noura said,

on June 7th, 2007 at 3:23 pm

Abdul-Aziz Hamze is an innocent, polite, and trustworthy guy. I know him personally and because i know him personally i can stand by him in spirit to say that THIS WAS AN ACCIDENT…that this religious Muslim man would never have purposely hurt another human being unless he felt that it was absolutely necessary, unless he felt threatened, which im sure he did.

I dont think that when Eugene stated that the woman had a serious criminal record he was trying to justify the accident, i think that he was merely trying to prove that she did in fact have a criminal record and that Abdul Aziz didnt…

and whats was also left out was the fact that it wasnt only the woman and her companion in the car that night, it was clearly stated in many reports that they did have a few more people in the car with them that night…but ofcourse the mdeia wouldnt publicize that fact too much because they want to make it look like this INNOCENT MAN who just happends to be a lebanese Muslim is associated with terrorism in some way, shape, or form…Whats more is that this man is not a nationalized citizen, he was actually born in Fort Lauderdale…

And how dare anyone try to call this a hate crime? How dare anyone say that this was premeditated? It most certainly was NOT either of these things.

Nikki is right…try and put youself in his shoes. A few people walk up to your car. Drunk and disorderly behavior…whether they were black, white, asian…whatever the race may be you WILL definitely feel threatened…i would love to see a drunk woman jump on the hood of your car one day while a few of her friends surround u banging on your windows…

DO YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE WITH SUCH CRIMINAL HISTORY ARE GOING TO POLITELY WALK UP TO YOUR CAR AND ASK YOU TO STOP?!?! be sensible please…how can that possibly make sense to anyone? Why would this whack job of a woman climb on top of the hood while her boyfriend politely tries to speak to Abdul-Aziz? how can that make sense to someone with even the slightest bit of intelligence?…

Notice that she makes some assumptions about the case that even Hamze hasn’t claimed. They were banging on his windows, they were drunk and disorderly. These are all things that have not been put into evidence. They also don’t excuse dragging her for TWO miles.

And the other people in the car were the victim’s MOTHER and her sister. Scary stuff this family outing, if you’re a racist that is.

Noura’s just repeating a common theme though, where Blacks are portrayed as inferior by Muslims. Thus her description of the incident sounds suspiciously similar to a trip through the old Jungle Habitat safari park from when I was young, where monkeys would jump on the car and bang the windows. Nowhere in the news report does anyone make the accusation that Hamze was in danger. Because he wasn’t.

People like Noura think all Blacks are dangerous in every situation, so dragging a 44-year-old mother two miles is justified. I wonder how she feels about Israeli Defense Forces shelling Palestinian positions after being attacked by rockets? When a mother dies in a accident, does she say “let’s put ourselves in the Israelis’ shoes?” Doubtful.

Then of course Hamze’s “friend” Chaaban put in an appearance, criticizing me for daring to have no truck, as we say, with dragging women to death:

on June 7th, 2007 at 3:37 pm

Oh yeah i see now what kind of person you are , from your “about us page”

“Within our country an unholy alliance of Marxists, Islamists and White Supremacists seeks to undermine our security and orchestrate the conflict each believes will bring them to power and destroy western civilization”

Open your mind and grow up !

Open my mind to what I wonder? White Supremacism? Marxism? Or I suppose really he’s talking about Islamism. I should “open my mind” to philosophies that would seek the destruction of my life, my family and everything I hold dear. If I would only open my mind I could be as blase about a woman being dragged to death by someone who then tried to flee the country to avoid justice. Maybe it is Muslims who should open their minds to pluralism, assimilation and equality, you know, good old fashioned American values.

He goes on with this gem:

on June 7th, 2007 at 9:18 pm

Told you dont want to argue about the incident , everything will come in time and i will let the justice deal with this .

As for racism , no i’m not attacking you because you care about sandra, i’m attacking you because you accused someone of racism and hate crime without any real evidence , i wouldn’t have attacked you if you didn’t have mentioned colors .

In fact you accuse everybody from being a racist , in your site :

you mention the word racist more than 120 times …

reference : Google search for racist

50 times the word racism

Google search for racism

What Chaaban doesn’t mention is that many of those articles are about racist organizations or websites like David Duke’s or the Aryan Nations. He also doesn’t mention that the first hit for his search on racism and this site leads to a comment by Lionheart who was responding to my uneasiness with the mainstreaming of the British National party. What Chaaban is doing is trying to deflect attention by attacking me as a “racist.” His argument is that I’m being a racist for standing up for Black Americans and pointing out that Hamze doesn’t care about the life of Sandra Hall at all. I believe this is due to his Muslim upbring, and reading the arguments of Hamze’s Muslim friends who all portray Hall as deserving her death, most rational people would come to the same conclusion.

This isn’t racism, this is reality. Islam isn’t a race and to put forward the argument that Muslims can’t be racist is to ignore history and current events and to accept the most outrageous propaganda put out by extremist organizations. Sandra Hall deserves better, as does every Black American. As does every American. If the situation was reversed, and a Lebanese man was run over by a Black man who had just sped off from the scene of an accident, I’d have the same reaction, I’d still be disgusted.

Chaaban and company would call that a hate crime. Because to them, only Muslims, especially White and Arab ones, are worth caring about.