Muslim Cleric Claims Husbands have the Right to Rape their Wives!

I might have posted this before, but it’s too good to pass up. This is proof that Jihadism and Jew hating aren’t the only two problems with modern Islam as taught today. There needs to be a reformation in the Islamic world; unfortunately reformers end up on the wrong end of a beheading, so I’m not holding out hope:


When is Pandagon going to weigh in on this outrage? Oh, right.

h/t Mosque Watch

2 thoughts on “Muslim Cleric Claims Husbands have the Right to Rape their Wives!

  1. I went over there and it was so much bashing it was scary. Hippies are not a peaceful people! They had the nerve to criticize a happy couple who waited till marriage to have sex because the wife washed her husband’s feet as a symbolic gesture of love and service. It really shouldn’t be that big of a deal.
    For a group of people who are supposedly open minded and accepting of other cultures, they certainly fling a lot of hatred towards those who are usually on the front lines defending their rights to speak freely. The hypocrasy is frightening!

  2. This post and ones like it need to be reposted, again and again, until everyone has heard the message, and had it drummed into their heads.

    This is evil barbarity, and it is against everything upon which true civilization is founded.

    Chris, by extension, much of the left is also against everything upon which true civilization is founded. Evil is a multi-dimensional thing, and hypocrisy is only one dimension.

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