Muslim Cab Driver Get Nine Years in Missouri Rape Case

I guess that woman who requested a non-muslim cab driver in England doesn’t look so crazy now. From Sara Shepard:

A cabbie who allegedly drove an inebriated passenger to a hotel room and tried to have sex with her while she was unconscious has been sentenced to four years behind bars.

Abdi Qamaan, 48, of Kansas City, was charged with kidnapping and attempted forcible sodomy in connection with the December 2006 incident.

Qamaan told police he took the 28-year-old woman from a Midtown bar to the hotel because she was too drunk to tell him where she needed to go, according to court documents. Police were at the hotel when Qamaan returned the next morning to take her home.

Qamaan denied having sex with the woman, but police found both his and the woman’s DNA on a condom left in the hotel room.

The complaint against Qamaan can be read here. This old article from FrontPage explains why Muslim men may not be the best choice for someone to be alone with a drunk woman, or your teenage daughter. Takeaway quote:

In the case of prevailing orthodox Islam we are faced with a deep division between the sexes. With Allah’s unlimited ruling license the males are entitled to be the masters of the females. The Koranic order says that the man has to “go to the woman” whenever he likes, to “enjoy her however he likes”, and to discipline her in case she develops her own ideas like sexual self-determination.

Over the centuries this basic frame had been filled with a lot of “prophetic” instructions as to what disastrous role the woman could play if the man as Allah’s deputy does not carry out this divine license of fertilizing control. Insofar the woman is looked upon from a “higher” biologistic viewpoint regarding her as “seed field” that – under strict male surveillance signaled by “Islamic correct” veiling – guarantees for the continued survival and expansion of Islam.

We are dealing here with premodern, partly archaic thinking that divides its world into two Manichaean halves. Irrespective of the usual statistical remnant of liberal “dissidents”, the orthodox ideology bases on an Islamic half that accords to Koran and “prophetic” tradition and a non-Islamic half consisting of unbelievers and disobedient women. The religious war – known as “jihad” – against the latter two groups belongs, therefore, to the most prominent duties of the “believing” Muslim. Its “religious” dimension is boosted enormously by customary family “honor” installing male control from early youth on, often widening into brutal raping, sometimes incestuous punishing patterns.

In other words Islam screws men up and makes them more prone to see raping non-Muslim women as a sanctioned activity.

Fjordman’s seminal editorial on Europe’s Muslim rape wave is a must read on this subject. Also by way of Fjordman we find that six times more women were raped in Oslo, Sweden than in NYC in 2006. Two thirds of the assailants were Muslims. Oslo is currently under sige by a combination of Muslim and “anti-fascist” thugs. I’ve no doubt that they are raping any women they come across. Here’s video of the chaos.

In Australia Islamic rape sprees led to so-caled race riots although I’m not sure what race Islam is.

Without strong voices advocating the superiority of Western values how long until we have our own rape waves?

h/t Crime Scene KC

3 thoughts on “Muslim Cab Driver Get Nine Years in Missouri Rape Case

  1. Back in 2005, I started instant messaging for the first time. BAM! Out of nowhere I was getting messages and add requests from Muslims, mostly from Egypt but some from Iraq and Jordan. I was freaked out at first and steadily denied them, but then one who said he was a student for Egyptology and was getting hands on training at the Egyptian Museum struck a chord with me through my love of King Tut and the Pyramids.

    After speaking to him and believing they weren’t so bad as post 9/11 society was making them out to be, I started speaking with most of the ones trying to contact me. In the course of that year – I guess more like 9 or 10 months – I had to block every single Muslim who tried to contact me because at some point, he would begin a perverted dialogue and wouldn’t stop when I asked him to.

    I became so irate at one that I asked him what he thought I was, his wife? He called me a US whore, said everyone in the Middle East knows women from America and Europe are whores because of our TV shows and movies, that women have no rights once a man decides he wants to bed them, that if a woman dares to say no or cries out in pain the man can beat her and continue as he was doing. We got into it – I was on my headphones doing voice chat with him – he called me a worthless American dog, said Allah would make all American whores into Muslim wives, and yadda yadda yadda.

    There was a Muslim man I chatted with every day who lived around the Sudan. He was always very nice and polite. I was so pissed by this that the next time he was online, I told him what happened. He hesitated for a minute and asked me if I had never read the Quran, told me he was sorry the man was so mean to me about it but that it was the truth, none-the-less. I got into it with him, too, and blocked him.

    After that, I started asking every Muslim man what he thought about those ideas and gave them scenarios of women changing their mind or not even wanting it to begin with – including strangers. Their responses were exactly the same – there is no such thing as rape in the Quran or in Islam, that men have the right to whatever they want. I even had a couple of men tell me if they wanted it from children, Allah said it was their right. This was before I knew of Mohammed’s wife’s age.

    The scariest part was that they all concurred that America was destined for Islam, that there was a movement to marry women here in America, convert them to Islam, and then leave them to be with another. And so on and so forth until all are converted to Islam here.

    I told this Muslim from India who told me a lot about this plan that it would never work. I told him women here aren’t that stupid. He sent me the links to websites created for American women in love with Muslim men. Oh my god! The numbers were staggering!!!! These women were falling for the most ridiculous stories and were chatting in forums about how America is lying about Islam and how romantic Muslim men are! The Muslim men were in forums complimenting these women who obviously had never been complimented by an American man and they were just eating it up.

    Anyway, sorry, got carried away there for a minute. It just all came flooding back to me when I read this. The anger as well as the fear. It’s a very real threat and you don’t hear about it anywhere except in blogs like yours and others that are more grass roots efforts squashed by the PC MSM and government. Now that Obama is president, we will never see the truth come out until Islam has completely taken over.

  2. I agree with you American many are trying to portrait Islam as a peaceful religion, so people can convert and sadly some woman will fall into this scam. Lord help us.

  3. Ana, I tried a few times to send messages to women I saw with blogs dedicated to Muslim men living abroad who these women were actually sending money to for tickets to America. I sent them links to sites, some by victims of these scams, to show how their stories are typical hook-line-and sinker scams and the agenda of these men and Islam. I was met with vulgarities and that “it won’t happen to me” attitude. One of the Muslim “boyfriends” replied instead of the named blogger (I’m thinking she gave him full access to her email or it was a dummy site to reel in other women for his friends) threaten my life if I contacted her again, calling me an American whore and Christian dog. I don’t warn them anymore. They deserve to have their money taken but it pisses me off that their careless, freewheeling, anti-American attitudes are giving these men exactly what they need to take control of my country!

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