Mass Grave of Serbs Found in Albania

I thought those Albanian Muslims we’ve done so much for were the good guys. From Serbianna Newspost:

A mass grave with bodies of Serbs has been found  in a village of Burelj in Albania says the sources close to the war crimes prosecution office in Belgrade.

“The location of the mass grave has been marked in a part of the UN report from March 2004 that still has not been officially forwarded to Serbia prosecution for war crimes,” says a source from the prosecution office.

Serbian war crimes prosecution office requested the UN report several times but the requests were ignored.

The prosecution has found that the top Kosovo Albanian separatist leadership ran a kidnapping network via tunnels and border crossings at Cafa, Prshit and Vrbnica to the psychiatric hospital in Burelj that was registered as Prison 320.

Kosovo Serbs were brought to this facility from several other concentration camps in Albania such as Tropoja, Kuks, Bajram Curi and Koljsh.

The body parts and organs were then extracted in the psychiatric hospital.

When the person whose organs were taken out died, the body was then buried in the grave that was just found.

Serbian war crimes prosecution says that it has evidence that the organ extraction network was ran by a former Kosovo Albanian so-called prime minister Ramush Haradinaj who was pronounced innocent at the war crimes trial in the Hague.

What? Islamic barbarity? I’m shocked. Natalie at Bird Brain has a post up about Albanian Muslims recently arrested arrested for war crimes. From her comments I found this link detailing the Islamists shockingly brutal crimes:

The KLA “Gnjilane Group”, tasked with cleansing the remaining Serbs from that part of the southern Serbian province, consisted of around 100 members from central Serbia (Bujanovac, Preševo, Medvedja) and from FYR of Macedonia. Many of the victims were killed in a boarding school in the town. After being kidnapped, they were first taken there, stripped naked, tied up, severely beaten, mutilated, sexually assaulted and stabbed with knives. Parts of their bodies were cut off before they were viciously murdered.

According to the findings of Srna News agency, one of the ways in which these Albanians tortured the Serbs they held imprisoned, was to force a glass in an open wound after cutting their victim with knife, to “drink Serbian blood” as the glass gets filled, while the victims are watching. At least one of their female victims was tied between the two cars and completely dismembered.

Several of their victims died after the killers checked “how many bodies a single bullet can go through”. The victims’ bodies were then dismembered and taken to different locations in order to hide the crime.

The K.L.A. mentioned in the article is of course the Kosovo Liberation Army (website here) which as I’ve previously written is a violent Jihadist organization supported by revolutionary Communists and which targeted Gypsies, Christians and Jews for extermination alongside their hated Serbian enemies.

h/t Gates of Vienna

4 thoughts on “Mass Grave of Serbs Found in Albania

  1. I don’t think that the Russian military would care to intervne anytime soon for the Serbs. The Serbs have always been used by the Russians, even before the rise of Nazism and its penetration into Islam.

    The notorious Pravda, as I detail on my blog picks and chooses which Islamist group to support such as Hamas right now. I’m sure this pro-Kremlin publication would care little if Serbs were the victims, like they don’t care about Jews being murdered by these same thugs.

  2. I shoudl also note, that Israeli nationals overseas have now become targets for retaliation for Israel’s response toward Hamas. This is how vile it seems the far left are, in supporting Hamas. That they do not care if a second holocaust is implemented against the Jews.

  3. More nonsense from ignorant fools who know nothing about Albania or Albanians.

    Burrel is a desolate city in central Albania and the village where these “organ harvesting” events are alleged to have occured is even more remote. In 1999 (I know because I was there) it took almost 5 hours of bone-jarring travel to get from Tirana to Burrel. Are we really to believe that people who wanted to make money selling Serb organs would risk having their cargo spoil on such a long trip out of the hills and then via air to wherever they operations occured? Asinine. Add to that the unsanitary conditions in the whole country at the time and you can see why this scenario just doesn’t hold water.

    Albanians are not fundamentalist Muslims. Most of the Muslims there are either Sunni of a very tolerant bent, Bektashi (who are even less rigid in their adherence to Islam) or “culturally Muslim” meaning they come from an area traditionally considered Muslim but are not observant at all.

  4. “Are we really to believe that people who wanted to make money selling Serb organs would risk having their cargo spoil on such a long trip out of the hills and then via air to wherever they operations occurred?”

    Uh. Yeah. The same way people who deal drugs do so well away from their target consumers and hookers hang around out of the way places. Are you suggesting organ harvesting operations would occur in more populated areas? That’s asinine.

    As for unsterile. English hospitals are killing hundreds of people a year with unsanitary practices, why would an almost third world European culture be more sanitary than their first world counterparts? Muslims in England are allowed to not wash their hands with alcohol based hand sanitizers, but Muslims during the war would worry about scrubbing up properly?

    And how exactly do you think organs here travel the country without spoiling? Ever heard of refrigeration?

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