It is Muslims, Not Geert Wilders, that Incite Hatred of Islam

Geert Wilders is being prosecuted by his own country for releasing this film:


According to the European powers that be, this under ten minute video “incites hatred of Muslims” in people who see it. This is of course a blatant attack on the Enlightenment values of Western Civilization, but more to the point, it’s simply a falsehood. No truthful accounting of Islamic theological doctrine, no criticism of Islamic practices does more to make people fearful and even hateful of Muslims than the words and actions of Muslims themselves.

Islam is perceived as a backward, barbaric religion filled with hordes of criminals, rapists and slave traders. It is perceived that way because it is largely the truth. That’s not to say that all Muslims are criminals; to be sure Muslim women and children are as much the victims of the savagery of Islam as we are, and many Muslims secretly wish they could simply live their life as modern people. But those people are usually murdered by their brethren, which is what their religion demands good Muslims do to those who waver.

Islam is a legalistic system designed to allow men to indulge in their basest impulses, it enshrines rape, slavery, racial hatred and pedophilia. Islam is not simply different than Post-Enlightenment Western Civilization, it is the antithesis of it.

Here is a video of Muslims discussing Pedophilia:


It should be noted that the legal age for marriage in most Muslim countries is considerably lower than a civilized man would be willing to participate in. Here’s a noted “Marriage Officiant” from Saudi Arabia appearing on Lebanese television:


Odd. The good doctor isn’t being persecuted for inciting hatred of Islam and after watching him I was filled to the brim with disgust for the Koran and it’s followers. As do these stories:

Pakistani Muslims burn churches, torture Christians because Catholic man married a “Muslim” girl.

Harvard educated Iranian Muslim sliced sections out of priceless historical books in an attempt to obliterate the memory of the great pre-Islamic civilizations.

Australian Islamic Cleric says it’s O.K. to beat and rape your wife.

Christians extorted, raped and murdered by Hamas in Gaza.

The Taliban in Pakistan are threatening suicide attacks on people who play music, because music causes “mental agony in pious people.”

Muslim from Romania rapes English girl because he wanted to go to prison, where his brother was also being held for rape.

Jordan and other Middle Eastern countries won’t protect non-Muslim women from sexual slavery.

Muslims in Bangladesh gang-raped a pastor’s wife, then blamed Hindus even though the Pastor knew who did it.

That’s just a small sampling of recent news featuring the so-called Religion of Peace. Any rational person can see that it is the actions of Muslims themselves that drive fear and loathing of the cult of Mohammad. But Wilders is the one on trial, why?

Because Europeans have degenerated into the Dhimmi of Islamic ideology. Just as the Ottoman empire had Christian mercenaries willing to help spread the Caliphate, leftists in Europe and America are willing to assist their Muslim masters in exchange for a few pieces of silver and the illusionary promise of safety. It is a promise they don’t ultimately care if the Islamists keep, because they hope the Islamization of the West is a longer process than they will be around for. The people prosecuting Wilders, and the people here in America who apologize for Islamism hope they will be long dead before Sharia is imposed, and they’re happy to allow Muslims their sacrificial lambs if it means another decade of them being able to pretend the Western world isn’t collapsing.

And in the mean time, Muslims perpetrate rape after rape of women and children and our very culture. Churches will burn, Christians will be persecuted and armies of Muslims will turn every country that has them into lawless hellholes full of “No-Go Zones” where the police cede all authority. When we react the way civilized people should in the face of Islamic depravity, we are attacked as “hateful” by those who seek to satisfy the ever expanding Muslim Umma.

Prosecuting Geert Wilders will never satisfy the Umma, they will demand each of us in turn be punished for expressing our freedom. That is why more and more people have learned to hate Islam, because despite what the intellectual elite claim, Islam hates us.

16 thoughts on “It is Muslims, Not Geert Wilders, that Incite Hatred of Islam

  1. Looks like Europe’s a lost cause, as it seems aside from being morphed into Eurabia, it’s also becoming an unofficial vassal of Russia when European countries become dependent upon Russian-state controlled energy companies such as Gazpron.

    That’s why European leaders such as Sarkozy and others are so bent on trying to get Russia as an EU member.

  2. There was also a report from that Russia in about twenty years or so was going to turn into Europe’s first major Muslim power, as much of Russia’s native European populations lack replacing their dying, along with also Russians migrating from their former homeland to other parts of the world.

    Even Russian Jews whom were secularized during the Cold War are heading to Israel, and the West.

  3. My Norwegian and Viking ancestors are rolling in their watery graves. We need another Eirik the Red and Lief the Lucky because apparently barbarism can only be destroyed by non-p*ssies. Who knew?

  4. The only problem with this is that you’ve hit the same problem that I used to have:

    You’ve mixed up Islam/Muslims with the beliefs of groups like the Sunnis (including Hamas) and Shiites. A lot of the “Muslims” in the Middle East DO NOT practices Islam, just as most Christians do not practice Christianity (which, ironically, doesn’t exist).

    For example: what most of us know as Jihad does not exist. Jihad is more of a metaphorical concept, as opposed to the 9/11 and suicide bombing context that has developed in the minds of most of Western Civilization.

    Likewise, Mohammed explicitly advocated peace between Muslims, Jews, and Christians, and even had wives who were Jews/Christians (largly as political arrangements, like most of his wives). On top of this, the case that most Muslims give for marrying young women DOES NOT EXIST; the underage person he DID marry, he did not actually consumate with until after she was of legal age, and he married her to protect her.

    In general, most of the cases you give are not about Muslims/Islam, but about Terrorists and Psychopaths who only CLAIM to be Islamic, but in fact aren’t.

    The real problem, much as with Christians, is that people take the Koran/Bible, read a passage, and take it to mean whatever they want, when both of these books can only be interepreted as a WHOLE, and individual lines/passages of the book HAVE NO MEANING WHATSOVER. And on top of this, they blindly listen to what someone else says the Koran/Bible says (I’m look at all the Clerics, Bishops, the Pope, and all the others when I point this out), who are just as blind as the Sheeple that follow them.

    All of this is why I’m Agnostic: I’m not saying there is a god, I’m not saying there isn’t; I have no RIGHT to say one way or the other. All I’m saying is Religions are for idiots who can’t actually think for themselves.

  5. DZ: Religions do produce mindless robots void of the desire and embedded with the prevention to connect with their own spirituality; however, your diatribe about Islam and these terrorists is bullshit. No offense. It is what it is. Perhaps if you actually read the Koran and visited a Muslim Mosque you would know that. Stop being a liberal patsy and do some actual research. When the shock is over and the terror of what is really happening sets in, you can then return and join the rest of us in a real learned intellectual conversation.

  6. DZ: It’s mindless to claim all religions are the same, just as it is to repeat Islamist propaganda (there are secular Muslims allowed to live in Islamic theologies) as some sort of evidence that Islam is no different than another religion.

    All Islamic countries laws are Islamic laws. claiming that some Muslims don’t practice Islam there is absurd because all are forced to on pain of death. You tell me what happens to women who don’t obey Islam’s rules, gays, men in Pakistan who don’t want to grow beards etc.

    Mohamed advocated the submission of Christians and Jews to Muslims, that is different than peace. By your logic segregationists wanted peace between Whites and Blacks. Mohammad’s wives were captured and forced to marry him after he murdered their families. By your logic Amanda Smart’s captor was fine and dandy.

    Mohammad married his child bride out of lust, he had to convince the girls father that the marriage was appropriate. He then had sex with her when she was NINE. You’re correct as that was the legal age, as it is now for married girls in Iran and other backward countries. But you are defending the practice of killing a man and raping his wife in this argument.

    You should try actually reading the Koran and Hadiths before making these statements. Not being a Christian I won’t defend them, except t say you live on the carcass of Judeo-Christian society and benefit from the Christian Enlightenment ideas of allowing all to live in peace, freedom of thought and conscience (directly traceable to the Christian doctrine of Free Will) and equality.

    If you think the West is no different from the Muslim world go live there.

    And “sheeple?” Really?

  7. Whiny bank-owning jews using their pull as owners of the European banks to pass “hate speech” laws against “holocaust denial”: a lack of respect for their new religion of white-guilt pushed on European gentiles, is what set the precident for denial of Euro-Neocon Geert Wilders freedom of expression. Ron Paul would call his situation “blowback”. Geert Wilders, a “righteous gentile” and homosexual-atheist probably has nothing to say regarding the persecutions, double-jeporadies, and jail sentences longer than that of rapists and murderers of those who spoke to defend Europe against untrue libels.

  8. Rob Taylor,

    Please ignore that “you said,” I was going to quote you, but I change my mind and I accidentally didn’t delete those words.

  9. Copperhead,

    I don’t support hate speech laws of any kind, but you sound like an antisemitic bigot,

    you said,
    Whiny bank-owning jews using their pull as owners of the European banks to pass “hate speech” laws against “holocaust denial”:
    So you think that its okay to deny the holocaust? Talking about Jewish bankers as a cause for Europe’s problems is classic antisemitism. Besides, thanks to Hitler and the holocaust against the Jews, there aren’t that many Jews left in Europe!

    Besides, look at the freeze frame of Fitna (the first video on this post) before you start playing it. Its a sign being held by a muslim protester saying “God Bless Hitler”

    Israel is our ally in this fight, not our enemy. Denying the holocaust is one thing, laws against denying the holocaust are another.

    you said,
    Geert Wilders, a “righteous gentile” and homosexual-atheist probably has nothing to say regarding the persecutions, double-jeporadies, and jail sentences longer than that of rapists and murderers of those who spoke to defend Europe against untrue libels.

    So your homophobic? I don’t know what you think Wilders’ sexual orientation has to do with anything, but its meaningless as far as this trial goes or weather or not what he is saying is true.

  10. .
    FREE Partij voor de Vrijheid! The Koran shouldn’t be banned. Mein Kampf isn’t a ‘Holy Book’, but it shouldn’t be banned either, but you should be able to criticize it and the idiots who agree with it.

    As many sane people know, Geert Wilders is NO racist. He is simply against out-of-control immigration; and against immigrants who won’t assimilate; and the ones who beat Gays and rape non-Muslim women for not being covered up. He is also very much against the ones who kill their own daughters and sisters for their ‘family honor’.
    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    don’t criticize religions

    just use Christian words
    substitute for Islam’s words

    here’s an absurd thought –
    your Supreme God knew
    Jesus as a pedophile

    and a raping terrorist
    converting slaves by the sword
    Muslims are not a ‘race’ anyway, they are followers of a religion/ideology and its Sharia Law. Most Muslims aren’t even Arabs, which by the way, is also not a ‘Race’.

    But their duty is, according to their Koran, to spread Sharia law over the whole Earth. It might take 100-200 years, if they succeed.

    Is that the kind of world we want for our great-grand childrens’ great-grand children? A Taliban Planet? I bet not. Muslims are the biggest victims of Islam. Wilders is NOT against Muslims, he is against Islamic Fundamentalism.

    We all should read the Koran, but be careful, for the Koran prohibits non-Muslims from reading it. I wonder why.

    This is BIG, this is REAL BIG! SPREAD THE WORD to the world everyone! The EU Mandarins have crossed the line! If this goes to court, how much more of the public will become aware of this tyranny?
    All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. If there is no freedom of speech, then there can be no real freedom.

    The Christians and Jews don’t riot when somebody makes fun of Christ or Jews. People must learn to be civilized, and held to account when they are not. Muslims included.

    Geert Wilders is a hero spreading the painful truth. He MUST be protected!
    here’s an absurd thought –
    your Supreme God says
    Christians are a race

    who love the Jewish race
    and the peaceful Buddhist race

    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe wants
    Sharia Law for ALL

    submit to glorious life
    slavery and servitude

    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    outlaw self-defense

    exposing violent crimes
    shall be deemed hate speech

    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    decide to change your race

    just simply change religions
    your religion is your race
    All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech there can be no real freedom.


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