This C.B.N. report on Malmo Sweden is a great accompaniment to this old post I found on The Shield of Achilles blog about rapes in the increasingly Islamized city of Oslo, Norway. That post had some startling statistics in it that should alarm any Westerner who still hopes peace between Islam and the West is possible:
According to official police reports, in 2009 there were twice as many rapes reported as in 2008. Just as shocking – in 2007, 2008 and 2009, every single rape case involved a perpetrator who was a non-western immigrant. (Let that sink in for just a moment). And in 9 out of 10 of these cases, the victim was an ethnic Norwegian woman. I don’t understand Norwegian very well, but this information was also reported by the Brussels Journal. I also ran the article through a machine translation, and it checks out. If any Norwegian speakers here have anything to add, I would love to hear it.
Incidentally, nearly 10% of Norway’s population is foreign-born, by far the greatest number in it’s history. The largest non-European immigrant groups in the country are Pakistanis, followed by Iraqis and Somalis. And they are almost entirely concentrated in Oslo. In other words, it doesn’t sound very polite to say this, but this is part of a pattern of Muslim men committing rapes and sexual assaults against European women. This not just a recent trend either, and the problem is not just in Norway alone.
C.B.N. shows that this is not an anomaly as the Muslim population in Malmo is acting in very similar ways:
Militant Islam cannot co-exist with Western values.
Rob Taylor,
Militant Muslims don’t want to co-exist with any non Muslims at all, and they will not tolerate a free society. The sooner people accept those unpleasant facts, the better.