I guess this is some unexpected “blow back” for everyone who claims terrorists wouldn’t bother us if we minded our business. Ron Paul I’m looking at you. From the AP:
 CAIRO, Egypt – Al-Qaida’s No. 2 leader lashed out at President-elect Barack Obama in a new audio message Tuesday, accusing him of not doing anything to stop Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip, according to an intelligence monitoring center.
The recording purportedly by Ayman al-Zawahiri was al-Qaida’s first comments on the Gaza crisis since Israel launched its offensive against the Islamic militants of Hamas on Dec. 27.
In the comments, which were posted on a militant Web site and obtained by the SITE Monitoring Service, al-Zawahiri described Israel’s actions in Gaza as a “crusade against Islam and Muslims” and called it “Obama’s gift to Israel” before he takes office later this month.
“This is Obama whom the American machine of lies tried to portray as the rescuer who will change the policy of America,” al-Zawahiri said, according to SITE. “He kills your brothers and sisters in Gaza mercilessly and without affection.”
I wonder what the left will put forward as a solution to this blow back?
I certainly believe here that al-Qaeda is being used as an unofficial third party by Fatah to target Jewish targets world wide. Fatah openly joined Hamas in calling for a “Day of Rage” against Jewish targets world wide, and even al-Qaeda terrorists have signed up already for the job.
Check out some of FrontPageMag.com’s news cycles to the right of the blog, you can see that Israel is being criticized world wide for what it’s doing to stop Hamas, along with also European Jews being targets of these horrible barbarians as what they should be properly called.
I think the idea of a fractured Al-Qaeda is a pipe dream. Bin Ladin is the spiritual leader of the Caliphate movement, and I agree with you that AQ is probably more involved in Palestinian politics than people will let on.
I think these self-described Islamists, and their Leftist supporters would one day make all the good pro-Israeli Jews like myself wake up, and finally take action against these scum. Not by the way of those racist Kahanists, as Arabs and even Muslims are just as much victims of their carnage as Jews are.
The “supporters” for Palestine do not even give one damn about Palestinians but support the real terrorists whom are subverting Palestine into a concentration camp. Those whom are promoting the concentration camp are the PLO and Hamas terrorist, along with Hezbollah now doing the same with Lebanon. Palestinians and Lebanese are being indoctrinated just like any other people under let’s say an open Communist party say what the Red Chinese do to average Chinese, and also Korean Workers’ Party doing it to the Koreans living in the North.
Mahmoud Abbas himself even sent a friendly gift to genocidal dictator Kim Jong-Il on his birthday, along with his PLO terrorist groups being provided training for future terrorist operations. These are terrorist scum, and totalitarian criminals for which every free nation has the right to crush the totalitarian governments and their terrorist groups.
Words are just words. 911 (if it was carried out by Muslims) would be an example of “blowback”. “Al-Qaeda” is entitled to free speech in its vague threats. If you believe we should nuke all the Arabs because of one Arab nut disrespecting America and its ghey global “humanitarian” hypocracy you are a sadist. Ron Paul spoke in spoke for Anglo-Saxon core values of the majority of this nation, particular values untranferable to another people, and not the raceless faceless mongrel ideologies of neoconservatism and liberalism; universalist ideologies which are just jacobin nonsense. You are just a liberal; a rah rah “democracy” cheerleader who can be seen advocating destructive pointless wars throughout American history that had not benefited our nation in any way; liberals who championed the Bloshevik cause and jacobinism everywhere.
“You are just a liberal; a rah rah “democracy†cheerleader who can be seen advocating destructive pointless wars throughout American history that had not benefited our nation in any way; liberals who championed the Bloshevik cause and jacobinism everywhere.”
So, you believe that al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah or whatever radical group that comes along would in the end “just want to be left alone”? Funny how you accuse people like us of supporting Communism, even though those protesting Israel’s attack on Hamas, many of them range from being Leftists to outright Marxists.
Tell me, would it be more suitable that if Hamas just wanted to be left alone by Israel, perhaps it would have at least changed its tone after Hamas leaders were elected into power? How about the parts of their charter that include destroying Israel? Similar things should have also been done with Fatah, and its other factions such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) are still engaged in helping Hamas firing rockets into Israel.
But I guess I must be an “unpatriotic neo-Conservative” for ever trying to speak out on promoting obvious solutions to the matter here.
So, you believe that al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah or whatever radical group that comes along would in the end “just want to be left alone�
As far as the United States is concerned, yes. We have nothing to fear. We at used to have naval supremacy and probably still do. All the Arabs have are camels, are they going to heave them at us by long range catipult? What if we dropped the insane amount of immigration into the west; the majority of our recent immigrants having an open hatred of the west and what we stand for regardless of whether or not they are Muslim? I guess that’d be too easy for you neocons.
Funny how you accuse people like us of supporting Communism, even though those protesting Israel’s attack on Hamas, many of them range from being Leftists to outright Marxists.
I link reckless pro-war views to liberalism; which championed Russia’s “fledgeling democracy” in 1917. I recently discovered an old NY Times article from 1917 called: “Pacifists Pester Till Mayor Calls them Traitors”:
America, the great democracy, is proud tonight because democracy in Russia has supplanted the greatest oligarchy that remained on the face of the earth.’ …. ‘But I submit we have another reason to be proud. It is now inevitable, so far as human foresight can make a prediction, that the United States is to be projected into this world war
‘This country is on the verge of war—’ A loud chorus of ‘No’ greeted him, but above the tumult he made his voice heard with: ‘And I say to you in the galleries that tonight we are divided into only two classes—Americans and traitors!’
This along with American Fascist FDR buddy buddy with “Uncle Joe”
Pro-war is jacobinism, because unrealistic jacobinism, anti-god, “liberty, fraternity, democracy” ideologies lead to war. We are fighting to bring “freedom” to the Middle East, to “Liberate” the Middle East, to liberate them from their own folkways; the same “Liberation” Lenin brought to Russia: slaughter.
America is not at stake in the Israeli war. As far as that “bless who bless, curse who curse” nonsense, Christianity is Israel in the Biblical sense. In fact Handel’s “Haleluja Chorus” from the Messiah is a celebration of the “destruction of the Temple”, when all those jews who rejected Christ were punished for their wickedness.
If the U.S. has nothing to fear from explain the Muslim Barbary pirates. You know, the reason we have a Marine corp now. The Muslims Thomas Jefferson had to fight because they were kidnapping Americans.
It is a pipe dream to think Western Civilization is safe from Islamic Imperialism, it is a dream born of moral cowardice. The groups waging Jihad world wide on in our country now building armies to impose Sharia on us. Thinking Muslims will just leave us alone if we mind our business ignores the entirety of Islamic history. Just as it was necessary to combat communism, we must destroy the new Caliphate movement before it can destroy us.
Sorry if that will interfere with your pot smoking, but the real world isn’t like what you read about in the Ron Paul forums.
And by the way, Iraq was a Socialist country, hardly a Middle Eastern “folkway”
And we let those amassed armies into our nation and give them section 8 housing and pampers; as long as they can feign respect for “freedom” and “Dr. Martin Luther King”.
If the U.S. has nothing to fear from explain the Muslim Barbary pirates. You know, the reason we have a Marine corp now. The Muslims Thomas Jefferson had to fight because they were kidnapping Americans.
This is revisionist history trying to link us to the neocon idea of a continous 1000 year war of (Judeo) Christianity vs. Islam.
We have nothing to fear. Islamic terror will never change the fabric of our nation as long as we remain a distinct people, no matter how many are unlikely kidnapped; our problem is a cultural problem; it’s a problem of a failure to define who we are today as a people sans our many grandiose but empty slogans championed by the neocons (“pro-freedom”, “pro-victory”).
I’ll come out and say it must be your confused mullato constitution you spout your empty “America, F**K YEAH” nonsense, as is often the case with neocons, you are doomed to be only enamored; only connected with the lowest common denominator; the superficial bits of our nation and not its core; Americans are who they are mostly for genetic reasons, we Celts were no less “freedom loving” in Scotland. A neocon or an Islamist for that matter, has a completely different idea of “freedom” at odds with the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic”freedom” that built this nation. “Freedom” is completely subjective and therefore useless applied to mankind as a whole, but I will say I enjoy my “freedom”, but have nothing to do with yours; a “pro-freedom” of a confused city-born cosmopolitan. Jewish mass-consumerist neoconservatism is not on current with what our nation was founded as; of course it resembles something from the backwardsass Middle East or totalitarian Russia, “democracy” does not run in Russian Jewish veins (except as an empty slogan); neoconservatism too reminds me of African tribal warlordism; probably hense its appeal to you.
And by the way, Iraq was a Socialist country, hardly a Middle Eastern “folkwayâ€.
Totalitarianism is non Western. Wars will not change Arab human nature and their want for totalitarian dictatorship. That’s what I meant.
Sorry if that will interfere with your pot smoking, but the real world isn’t like what you read about in the Ron Paul forums.
My worldview is that of pre-WWI Mark Twain Americana. I don’t care if it is unrealistic. It has a sense of honor, and romanicism, something extremely lacking in today’s Idiocracy.
“Pro-war is jacobinism, because unrealistic jacobinism, anti-god, “liberty, fraternity, democracy†ideologies lead to war. We are fighting to bring “freedom†to the Middle East, to “Liberate†the Middle East, to liberate them from their own folkways; the same “Liberation†Lenin brought to Russia: slaughter.
America is not at stake in the Israeli war. As far as that “bless who bless, curse who curse†nonsense, Christianity is Israel in the Biblical sense. In fact Handel’s “Haleluja Chorus†from the Messiah is a celebration of the “destruction of the Templeâ€, when all those jews who rejected Christ were punished for their wickedness.”
In other words, you simply do not care? How about the close relations between the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda and Hamas? Do you simply do not care that there would be a second holocaust against the Jews?
“We have nothing to fear. Islamic terror will never change the fabric of our nation as long as we remain a distinct people, no matter how many are unlikely kidnapped; our problem is a cultural problem; it’s a problem of a failure to define who we are today as a people sans our many grandiose but empty slogans championed by the neocons (â€pro-freedomâ€, “pro-victoryâ€).”
So what the hell was 9/11 about? How about the first World Trade Center bombings back in 1993? You simply do not seem to really get it do you? The Iranian Revolution of 1979, which embolden these radicals?
So Copperhead,
You really believe we have no real threat from these self-described Islamic radicals whom have been literally waging war by any means they can for the past several centuries? What about how Islam rose as an empire when their prophet Mohammed founded the religion? Only to invade the Byzantine and the recent Persian empire at that time? How about their enclaves in Spain, during Ottoman rule?
Sounds like Islam has more of a exploitable role in being a role in conquest here.
“In fact Handel’s “Haleluja Chorus†from the Messiah is a celebration of the “destruction of the Templeâ€, when all those jews who rejected Christ were punished for their wickedness.”
So I guess you also support the “fact” that it were Jews whom were “responsible” for putting Christ on the cross? Last time I checked, many of those “leaders” were really Roman pawns whom later ended up promoting the new Roman state of “Palestine”. These were the same leaders whom betrayed Jewish rebels against the Roman Empire.
Oh I get it; you’re one of those White nationalist Paulnut douches. Freedom my ass, it was the WN’s who started agitating for universal health care in the 40s (pussies) and flying in the face of your theory until the number was surpassed by illegal aliens, most people getting government assistance were White.
Explain how it is revisionists to know our actual history with Muslims? And Islam is not at war with Christianity as the Jihad against Buddhist should prove. Pagans (such as me) have much to fear from Islam, and have many of our treasures to the barbarian Muslims. Including the Kaaba which housed the worship pieces of dozens, if not hundreds, of gods and goddesses before Mohammad and his forces stole it and slaughtered the Pagans.
In Muslim countries “Witches” are burned even today and people who aren’t Christians and Jews are conspicuously absent from Muslim declarations of Interfaith peace.
Al-Qaeda just blamed Obama for the Gaza war. Explain that.
The only revisionism here is the dope hazed fantasy of some bigot who hates Jews more than he loves his own family lines survival. You care about your “people” well look at what the Muslims are doing to Europe; look at what Islamic Imperialism is doing to your precious (and weak) Anglo-Saxons and Celts. I guess that doesn’t matter as long as you can live in your section 8 funded trailer and post Ron Paul banners to Stormfront while blasting screwdriver.
For future reference, unless they’ve been on welfare or worked with families that were (as I did) most people don’t know what section 8 is. Sounds like you’re doing some projection.
And though I like Handel not being a Christian I’m completely unmoved by who should take the blame for his mythical crucifixion. Although as a scholar of Religion it should be noted that Christ ALLOWED himself to be crucified as part of God’s plan to redeem humanity. That allowed him (in some traditions) to “harrow Hell” and release many of the condemned there. So like Satan, everyone involved in Christ’s crucifixion was doing God’s work.
I know, it’s deep. Think about it while you’re smoking your next bowl.
OK… I’m still reading up on this issue to make up my own mind, but I’ve gotta say that it really pisses me off to no end when ANYONE claims that this is a “white” or a “Celtic” country.
Being of Celtic, Acadian, and Native American decent, let me just say that *The Celts were NOT here first!* There has actually been evidence that the Norse where here long before any other Europeans, but not before the Native Americans. (Hence the name “Native Americans”.) Read some history books, will you? Not to mention that the Pilgrims would never have survived their first winter if not for the Native Americans, whom they then double-crossed. I’m not saying that the Native Americans were peace-loving Hippies by a long shot, but they were here first. They’re definitely a minority now, but the fact that Europeans came over here and violently pushed them off the lands that their ancestors enjoyed freely doesn’t say much for our forefathers.
This is a MULTI-CULTURAL nation, NOT a white nation. Everyone’s forefathers came from somewhere else, some by choice, some not. There are even very few full-blooded Natives left at this point, which means some of their forefathers came from elsewhere. Please show a little respect for your fellow Americans. It’s called a “melting pot” for a reason.
Rob, sorry, this was directed at “Copperhead”, not you (hopefully that was obvious.)
No problem, Copperhead show up every couple of months to spread his nonsense. I wish we could all just agree that this is America and everyone is welcome as long as they don’t want to change us from a freedom loving country to some theocracy. Copperhead, Radical Islamists, Communists and the Ron Paul/Pat Buchanan wing of the right all want to change us into something we just shouldn’t be.
Seriously, who the hell do these people think they are? They think the whole world should cater to their every whim! Save a deer – Shoot a Commie!
I had something else I wanted to say but I forgot after I read Copperhead’s vomit-inducing rant. Sounds to me like someone’s going to be going to summer school for reading comprehension and American history.