Gadhafi Tells World to Ignore Darfur

As if we aren’t already. How much less could we be doing for the Black Animists and Christians being hunted, raped and enslaved by Arab foreign fighters that the Islamic government of Sudan imports to effect the genocidal campaign of Islamification it’s pursuing? We do nothing as Arab militias are being armed by the Sudanese government. We’ve done nothing to protect the disarmed targets of those militias. We do nothing as the violence spills over into other African countries, nothing but pat ourselves on the back every time some rich house fraus hold a protest.

We tell our leaders we want something done, all the while making sure that that something isn’t war, sanctions, arming the victims, evacuating the victims to our countries or pretty much anything but wag our fingers and shake our heads. But even that is too much for Islamists like Gadhafi, who tell us to ignore all the parties involved until they respond to international pressures.

Ignore the victims of rape and murder! That’s what Gadhafi wants us to do, treat the Black Africans being attacked by Arab racists as if they’re just as guilty as the Arab militias. It’s disgusting, and indicative of the Islamist mindset. Gadhafi sees non-Muslims defending themselves from Islamic imperialism as just as guilty, if not more so, as the Jihadists themselves

h/t Religion of Peace

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