It’ll be a long hot summer in Israel if China decides to back Syria to the hilt, so to speak. With the tiny democracy surrounded by Islamists the last thing they need is Syria emboldened by support from the rising dragon. From fellow anti-communist blogger Z.O.C.:
As if the Jewish state of Israel had enough problems on its hands, the likes of Communist China has reaffirmed its support for its client state-Syria to take back the Golan Heights. Now there have also been reports of Prime Traitor Olmert preparing talks with the pro-Soviet Baathist dictator and his leadership on the Golan Heights. Israel is certainly making a mistake should it give back the Golan Heights to Syria. With the likes of Communist China (and likely “former” Soviet Russia) behind it, this spells trouble for Israel, as the two Communist superpowers are encouraging their proxies to encircle the Jewish state ranging from Hamas, the “moderate” Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), the PLO-front group Hezbollah and their client state-Syria. Only a Useful Idiot would want to embrace the totalitarian partnership of Communist China, “former” Soviet Russia, their client states in the Middle East and their terrorist proxies, er, “freedom fighters”.
Anyway, here’s straight from the horse’s mouth from Syria receiving support from Communist China to take control of the Golan Heights:
China Supports Syria’s right to restore the occupied Golan
Here’s the article that the above is talking about. In it China’s Premier announces the communist nation’s intent to boost economic and political ties with the Baathist regime, and voices support for Syria’s claim on the Golan Heights. The Heights are strategically significant, and Syrian control of the heights could spell disaster for Israel in the event of another war in the region.