If you live in or around Maywood, CA you should prepare for a surge in crime and eventual unrest as the 1.2 square mile city disbands not just their police force but all city services. It’s been in the news for weeks but this LA Now piece gives readers a sense of how far gone things are:
The city of Maywood will lay off all city employees and begin contracting police services with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department effective July 1, officials said.
In addition to contracting with the Sheriff’s Department, the Maywood City Council voted unanimously Monday night to lay off an estimated 100 employees and contract with neighboring Bell, which will handle other city services such as finance, records management, parks and recreation, street maintenance and others. Maywood will be billed about $50,833 monthly, which officials said will save $164,375 annually.
“We will become 100% a contracted city,” said Angela Spaccia, Maywood’s interim city manager.
Deputies from the East Los Angeles Sheriff’s Station will begin patrolling the 1.2-square-mile city by the end of the month, said Capt. Bruce Fogarty of the Sheriff’s Contract Law Enforcement Bureau. The annual cost of providing those services for the small city is estimated at $3.6 million, Fogarty said.
The dismantling of the police department was said in previous reports to be largely due to the city not being able to get insurance due to several problems with the department and the city. But the fact that all services will be contracted out means those problem were just the tip of the iceberg.
Maywood is 96.4% Latino with roughly 48% of the population being foreign born according to a handy chart provided by LA Now. You need not be Sherlock Holmes to deduce that there is a significant illegal alien presence there, and where illegals go the gangs that prey upon them follow. Add to that a near 20% of the population lives below the poverty level and the idea of cutting services and hoping outside contracted police can keep a lid on things seems … hopeful. The city workers laid off are already starting trouble and the current atmosphere of anti-Americanism ginned up by the left amplifying the inherent racism of the “La Raza” politics popular with illegals and Latinos in general and things will definitely get dicey there for the 2.8% of White residents there.
Since I’m half-Black I’ll say it for you. Non-Latino Whites should probably think about moving out of Maywood.
But anyone in Maywood should be looking for a way out. And planning for living in a city where there is no local authority. 911 calls will prably take 2-3 times longer to be responded too, your local taxes will be decided by people from areas facing their own financial problems and whatever services Maywood itself provided to residents will dry up. If those services are things the impoverished are used to relying on then prepare for minor civil unrest.
Recently Maywood was the scene of a “hate crime” in which a Catholic Church was desecrated with satanic graffiti and a painting of the Virgin Mary was stabbed. In 2008 the city only had 4 murders, but it had 215 thefts, 214 auto thefts, 93 assaults, 92 robberies and 5 rapes. I haven’t seen recent crime data, but I’m thinking the numbers will soon double.