This is an invasion pure and simple and we need a military response to maintain our sovereignty. This is the kind of mayhem predicted by 4th generation warfare aficionados but even they couldn’t predict non-state actors literally taking over a section of Arizona extending from the Mexican border right up into the Phoenix metro area without the majority of Americans even aware that it has happened. The book Brave New War is a good primer for understanding this sort of conflict.
Video courtesy Stand with Arizona:
Doug Ross has an eye opening post about this complete with photos of signs posted telling Americans not to travel into certain areas of Arizona lest they run afoul of drug cartels. Calling the Cartels “drug cartels” is a bit of a misnomer. Aside from drugs, the cartels deal in robbery, sexual slavery, forced slave labor and extortion. So before you even start Libertarians unless you’re going to legalize all those things along with pot, meth, coke and heroin the cartels will still need those smuggling routes and will fight to keep them.
Since the federal government won’t deal with this problem isn’t this what the citizen’s militia is for? If Arizonians don’t do something soon, we’re going to be down to 49 states.
I hate to say this, but maybe its the best thing that could happen, if you look at the big picture. Hell, let them take California too. Maybe that is exactly what it will take to shock people to their senses. Especially if it turns out the feds are supplementing the activities of these invaders, with federal funds. It could cause small-scale riots. Holy crap, what’s going on? And no one’s talking about this? Why?
By the time California and Arizona are on the same level as Mexico, or worse, maybe people will open their eyes, and while it might be too late to save those states, at least all the others will finally get around to taking some decisive action, if not through the feds, then at least acting in concert by asserting their own states sovereignty.
This could turn out to be Obama’s October Surprise, maybe this year, maybe two years down the pike.
It’s just too bad Arizona has to suffer for what is basically California style liberalism. You’re right though, it’ll take some major SHTF for most people to wake up.