International Terror Groups Were at Wisconsin Protest

As were plenty of drug dealers. If this Blaze exclusive doesn’t convince you of how dangerous these union crowds are going to be as they get bigger and angrier nothing is. Remember – the people promoting communist terror cells and getting high with teenagers in this video are teachers who are alone with your children all day. Feel good about that?

4 thoughts on “International Terror Groups Were at Wisconsin Protest

  1. Rob Taylor,

    I’m assuming that when you ask if I feel good about this, its a rhetorical question, but just in case its not, no I definitely don’t feel good about this, and I don’t have any children.

  2. These reports are utterly false. It’s a peaceful demonstration composed of workers, the disabled, moms, children, seniors, students..just about everyone who cares about the future of our state and nation. I have plenty of video footage that shows this. The only the people there showing “hate” were the teabaggers (oh, sorry, I meant the tea partiers).

  3. Really because there are video interviews of the CPUSA and Revolutionary Communist Party.

    You don’t care about the future – just getting what you can from a state that’s broke. Tell me what your plan is when you win? Pay the pensions in IOUs? I can’t wait until you starve to death.

  4. Really Sam?

    I am in IL and saw the news from Madison and saw signs from left side liberals with hate signs for your Gov. Pretty sad that your elected Dems had to run to IL to hide instead of standing up for the people who voted for them. Wisconsin as well as a few other states will be in great positions in the future because of your Gov.

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