St. Bernard Parish authorities have reported a large fish kill at the mouth of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, but state wildlife officials say it does not appear to be directly related to oil from the BP leak.
Randy Pausina, head fisheries biologist for the state, said Department of Wildlife and Fisheries workers are investigating the fish kill and that the initial conclusion is that it was caused by low levels of oxygen in the water.
Pausina said extreme heat can cause areas of ow oxygen, especially when coupled with nutrient-rich water coming from the Mississippi River. The state opened several river diversion structures to help keep oil from penetrating the state’s wetlands.
There’s much speculation over this being related to the BP spill but the key wording here is “nutrient rich” water. The real culprit might be the fertilizers used in farming being washed into the water suply. Farmer’s in many regions have been doubling down on fertilizers in an effort to maximize production, and in Louisiana fisherman have been seeing die offs for years with an increase in algae blooms which also deplete oxygen in the water.
So there’s no easy solution or culprit if that’s the case. The increase in chemical dependent farming is related to large healthy populations of urban and suburban dwellers living modern lifestyles. Despite the feel-goodery of the environmentalists calls for change, the only change possible would be to destroy people’s lives, and kill off many in the process, by limiting the amount of food we produce.