How else do you explain the overblown reaction to the miserably written hit piece by the strung out hacks at the rape porn loving Boston Globe. I blogged about the piece before, so there’s no need to go into how a poorly crafted rehash of an incident from 30 years ago featuring interviews with people who felt slighted by Thompson has the whiff of desperation about it.
More interesting is the rush to embrace the shoddy logic of the piece (Thompson trusted Nixon until he was proven wrong, therefore we can’t trust Thompson) by the dregs of the blogosphere, the far left bloggers.
The childishly titled Down with tyranny! (the tyranny they mean is America) takes the Globe’s piece and runs with it. Actually it’s more of a half hearted jog. But in the comments section one of the DWT faithful sums up the feelings of the rich white “liberal” for the rest of us quite nicely:
Howie thanks for the reminder about Thompson but I fear he is the winning candidate for a dumbed-down redneck-majority country just waiting for the next GOP B-actor to audition for Preznit.
Walter Cronkite had it right when he pronounced our democracy dead after the 04 election, saying we no longer had the critical reasoning capacity as a country to support a democracy. Any hope that a new bright young generation would replace 60’s passionate voters has been dashed by the deliberate disinformation empire of the right, designed not only to confuse and mislead but to queer politics so no one could possibly be interested but instead treats it like a coroner’s job.
Stick a fork in America. The rest of the world has. The penalty for making the kind of deliberately dumb decision like Iraq, following on the supposed “lesson” of Vietnam, is to go out of business. You can thank the willfully ignorant rednecks and Jesus Freaks who are likely the majority anyway.
Oh the pathos! Well what do you expect from a person who has this blog on blogger. Do you think his pining away for “passionate 60’s voters” is really just his anger that the rest of us won’t pay for aging hippies’ massive health care costs caused by their lifetime of drug use and excess. “If only the government will make someone pay for my four therapy sessions a week and my gastric bypass” is the subtext of his attack on the rest of us.
Liberal Values show us exactly what values liberals value most, in this case smearing the Republican to ensure a liberal gets in office. I’m surprised that after the rape photo scandal someone who considers himself such an honest broker of truth would reference the Globe at all.
And of course there’s the mighty Digby, who channels his inner Dead End Kid to write this hard boiled analysis of Fred Thompson:
Good thing Nixon was such a paranoid egomaniac that he taped himself committing crimes, otherwise Thompson — the tough, shrewd “law ‘n order” prosecutor — wouldn’t have been able to see past his “subconscious” desire to defend his president no matter what the massive amounts of evidence already showed.
On the other hand, it probably makes more sense that Thompson knew very well that Nixon was a criminal (and liked him all the more for it) but jumped off the sinking ship like the rat he is after the tapes surfaced and nobody in public life could defend him anymore without appearing to be brainwashed or insane.
This guy is the perfect successor to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. I’m just shocked they didn’t anoint him earlier.
Yeah, yeah, he’s a rat see. He’ll turn you over to the coppers. Not like Slick Willie, he’s no crumb. And he’s quick with a roscoe! Ugh. Someone should tell bloggers that when you start writing rat metaphors you’re already done. I suppose now we’ll see Dems in “stop snitchin'” t-shirts.
Sorry kids, but this is weak cheese. You’re going to have to do better than this to derail Fred Thompson, or the thousands of Fredheads behind him.
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Of coarse they are scared, he has a really good chance of united the GOP again. You should check out the bumper sticker at this site “Fred Thompson makes Liberals wet their pants”