Democratic Party Proves Definitively That it’s Run by Middle Aged Adolescents

This Democrat sponsored stunt designed to embarrass Fred Thompson was painful to watch, not for the Thompson supporters but for Democrats who realized their hard earned cash donated to getting the Democrat agenda enacted was being used to fund hackneyed comedy bits performed by mincing socially inept nerds who apparently get stage fright in front of their one friend and two women from the typing pool. Let’s watch:


Wow. It’s like it was a bit written by a middle aged White guy from Vermont who thought being a life long fan Chevey chase gave him comedy chops. Well it doesn’t my friend, it really doesn’t.

This skit was like a sandwich I made once that I dubbed the Robin Williams, it had a lot of ham and some very weak cheese. You’re going to have to do better than that boys, if you want to derail Fred Thompson. I should know, I’m with Fred!

h/t to Fred bashing faux-rightist AllahPundit who gives the Dems some advice at the end of his post on how to better cripple the Thompson campaign.

One thought on “Democratic Party Proves Definitively That it’s Run by Middle Aged Adolescents

  1. Pingback: University Update - Fred Thompson - Democratic Party Proves Definitively That it’s Run by Middle Aged Adolescents

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