U.S. Army War College Predicts Doomsday in U.S.

A new paper released by the War College gives a bleak outlook for America’s readiness to respond to a variety of challenges during the next administration, challenges that the authors seem to expect will happen fairly soon. From World Tribune:

— The United States could be sleep-walking into its next crisis, a military
report said.

The report by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute, said that a defense community paralyzed by conventional thinking could be unprepared to help the United States cope with a series of unexpected crises that would rival the Al Qaida strikes in 2001, termed a “strategic shock.”

The report cited the prospect of the collapse of a nuclear state leading to massive unrest in the United States.

“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” the report, authored by [Ret.] Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, said.

“Deliberate employment of weapons of mass destruction or other catastrophic capabilities, unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters are all paths to disruptive domestic shock.”

Titled “Known Unknowns: Unconventional Strategic Shocks in Defense Strategy Development,” the report warned that the U.S. military and intelligence community remain mired in the past as well as the need to accommodate government policy. Freier, a former Pentagon official, said that despite the Al Qaida surprise in 2001 U.S. defense strategy and planning remain trapped by “excessive convention.”

“The current administration confronted a game-changing ‘strategic shock’ inside its first eight months in office,” the report said. “The next administration would be well-advised to expect the same during the course of its first term. Indeed, the odds are very high against any of the challenges routinely at the top of the traditional defense agenda triggering the next watershed inside DoD [Department of Defense].”

The report cited the collapse of what Freier termed “a large capable state that results in a nuclear civil war.” Such a prospect could lead to uncontrolled weapons of mass destruction proliferation as well as a nuclear war.

The report cited the prospect of a breakdown of order in the United States. Freier said the Pentagon could be suddenly forced to recall troops from abroad to fight domestic unrest.

The paper can be read here. I’m still doing a second reading of it to be sure, but basically this paper predicts at least a semi-collapse of the United States. I’m going out to buy more guns and ammo.

h/t N.T.A.

5 thoughts on “U.S. Army War College Predicts Doomsday in U.S.

  1. I’m working on my own political blog. This combined with your latest video and all these religious descrimination suits by American Muslims is a mathematical equation as simple as 1+1. Anyone who doesn’t see it is a total moron.

  2. Uhm.. don’t get me wrong. I own multiple firearms and I am ready to defend myself and my family, and I believe we all should be.

    But what, exactly, do they think is going to lead to this massive civil unrest in the US. It seems to me that we Americans tend to band together more than many societies when the turmoil hits us. What could possibly happen, on such a scale within the US, that would lead us to need the US military to “fight” unrest in our borders. The fews times we have seen “unrest” in the US recently (Katrina, Rodney King verdict riots) it was typically isolated to a small area or two and was more appropriately thought of as a breakdown requiring stepped up police actions, it seems to me.


  3. A financial collapse wherein people who have never been truly poor are without means for the first time in their lives and deeply immersed in a Marxist revolutionary ideology that has been ingrained in them throughout their schooling. Remember that the L.A. riots were geographically isolated but were not a small minority of people. Prior to the verdict White communist groups handed out leaflets calling Blacks to revolution, and radical groups of all types participated. Check in with the RCP and CPUSA to see how they BRAG about helping start those riots.

    Those same groups have larger constituencies now through the work of their front groups like Code Pink and ANSWER and that revolutionary ideology is, I hate to say, the norm in most young college educated people between 18 and 30. Even down here in the very red state of South Carolina the college students hold anti-American, anti-Christian anti-capitalist and anti-war protests, often led by older people involved with the local communist scene.

    At the same time transnational gangs that are used to operating in lawless of semi-lawless environments have gained firm footholds here. Remember a few weeks ago when the Mexican government seized military hardware from one of the Cartels? Do you think that’s their entire stockpile? MS-13 is in every state at this point and the Cartels have sent armed teams into our country to hit people. There is already chaos here, what happens when the cops can’t get paid?

    Or when those kids in your area who drive around in Volvos smoking pot and handing out ANSWER literature can no longer use daddies credit card?

    What happens when Ethonol use drives the price of corn based products up so much the people who have lost their jobs can’t eat?

    What happens when Obama’s coal policy shuts down power plants and whole regions have rolling blackouts?

    When the full effect of the financial meltdown hits home what do you expect the people who have spent 8+ years chanting death to Republicans, Death to America to do hold my hand? After 9/11 a lot of New yorkers came together. And a lot of Americans on the left start4ed anti-war protests the next day. We are a divided country and sliding into second world status won’t change that.

  4. Well, I’m glad I’m down here in Georgia where people seem to remain at least nominally sane..

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