UC Irvine Receives Fifth “Black Death” Envelope

This is a story I haven’t seen make much of a media splash even though it seems like it would. Apparently someone has been mailing black envelopes to UC Irvine faculty and staff which contain an as yet unidentified white powder and the words “Black Death” as part of a message. From NBC Los Angeles:

A fifth envelope containing a white powder and a message with the words “black death” was discovered at UC Irvine, according to KCAL9. The envelope had the same return address as four others discovered previously.

Earlier in the day, a fourth envelope was discovered addressed to an assistant Dean of Biological Sciences and sent to the Natural Sciences II building. Authorities closed the office while tests were conducted for hazardous materials, according to University Spokesman Tom Vasich.

Field tests done by the FBI Tuesday showed the powder from 3 previous envelopes was not a biological hazard, such as anthrax.

Of course no one has released exactly what the powder is as of yet. LAist notes that all were addressed to women and the L.A. Times has a blow by blow of how this story unfolded. There is speculation that the letters were all mailed over Christmas break and distributed on Monday. All the letters have Idaho postmarks.

h/t N.T.A.

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